22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana,


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Presentation transcript:

22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007 Kako odkriti bistvo v kompleksnih omrežjih dobljenih z metodo veriženja Vanja Govednik 22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007

22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007 Veriženje? 22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007

Zakaj veriženje? Včasih so bile kategorije jasno definirane; temeljile so na lastnostih izdelkov Pojavile so se oznamčeni izdelki pozicionirani na višjih nivojih: nivoju koristi in vrednot Koristi & vrednote so postale osnova za pozicioniranje/komunikacijo 22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007

22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007 Primer Value-based incentives in discussion 22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007

22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007 Kako verižiti? "an in-depth one-on-one interviewing technique used to develop an understanding of how consumers translate the attributes of products into meaningful associations with respect to self, following means-end theory Throughout the interview basic, standardized, question is asked: “Why is this important to you?” By its help hierarchically superior concepts are obtained. Advantages: revealing of respondents’ motives influencing purchase decision obtaining basis for communication and positioning of a product Disadvantages: time consuming costly inability of generalization of findings. 22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007

Metoda asociacijskih vzorcev Hofstede,1998 Kvalitativna in kvantitativna faza Association pattern technique consists of both a qualitative and a quantitative phase. The former – in combination with literature’s study – provides all possible concepts. The latter assesses the importance of each concept; most important concepts – made by any respondent – are used further in the research. The idea is to form two matrices: one comprised of characteristics/attributes and benefits and one of benefits and values (Figure 3). Respondents assess which concepts in each matrix are connected. All connections (with hierarchical superior concepts) are considered. Advantages: a step further toward quantification of laddering was made some hidden elements might be found because the method works on the basis of respondent’s recognition Disadvantages: does not distinguish between less and more important hierarchical connections dense and vast network is formed possibility of missing elements influence of the context of elements on the understanding of their meaning isolation of elements; only a pair of elements at once is considered, not the whole chain assumption of chains of length maximum 2 (containing only two arcs). 22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007

Sturkturno determinirano veriženje Korenini, Batagelj, 2001 Kvalitativna in kvantitativna faza STRUCTURALLY DETERMINED LADDERING As Hofstede’s method also this one has a qualitative and quantitative phase. In the qualitative phase all possible elements and also chains are identified and a predefined network is formed. By using a series of directed probes, typified by the question "Why is this important to you" it identifies the specific linkages between product attributes, consumer benefits and consumer's value orientations. The data create a hierarchical value map. The graph is therefore defined as a set of vertices representing elements (attributes, benefits, values) and a set of lines representing relationship “is important to me because”. Those two sets determine a graph in which lines are directed and called arcs. Advantages: valid results Disadvantages: acquiring of obvious elements (working on the basis of recall) limited with network obtained in the qualitative phase. 22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007

22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007 Alternativni pristop Identifikacija elementov: Kvalitativna faza + literatura 32 lastnosti 47 koristi 29 vrednot Zbiranje podatkov: Identifikacija verig > 3 elementov (matrika koristi- koristi) Vpogled v “skrite” elemente in verige Identifikacija pomembnih elementov in relevantnih povezav Višja vpletenost anketirancev Razlika od Hofstedejeve metode Brez matrik ‘Inteligentni’ CAPI sistem Pomembnost elementov Relevantnost povezav 25 anketirancev za test If we look at disadvantages of approaches towards the laddering methods, the main limitation is the generalization of results, which has proven to be very difficult, while keeping all the relevant information. There was some effort made toward it, but the outcome is not completely satisfactory. That is why we decided to improve and build on current quantification approaches. Mainly we further explore Hofstede’s technique 22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007

22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007 Pomembni elementi For the data gathering the main issue is how to ask respondents to get matrices proposed by Hofstede (see Figure 3). In test-phase using matrices as an input for respondents was not perceived well. Therefore special “intelligent” CAPI system was developed just for such type of laddering method. To get test-data 25 respondents answered the questionnaire. For development purposes and demonstration of the new concepts this is enough, for real studies sample sizes between n=50 and n=100 are recommended. Analysis The data-set gathered includes following information for each respondent: Importance of each attribute (A), benefit (B) and value (V) measured on a scale from 1 to 8 – 8 – the most important (see Figure 6 for results) Relevance of connection between elements measured on a scale from 1 to 7 – 7 – very relevant. 22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007

Umetnina na individualnem nivoju 22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007

22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007 The Matrix revisited The network of all respondents is also formed. Some network analysis methods can be used to gain important information. One of them is centrality analysis with the help of which we get insight in which are the important vertices in the network. The vertex is important if it has a lot of incoming or outgoing arrows. For a certain benefit this can mean that it is derived from many of products characteristics or that a lot of different values can be reached from it. 22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007

Kako najti relevantne verige izmed > 1 milijon možnosti Elementi v verigi morajo biti pomembni Povezave med elementi morajo biti smiselne Isto verigo mora izbrati veliko število anketirancev Kriteriji za definiranje smiselnih verig The key question is how to reveal – out of this mess – the key most important combinations (ladders) of A-B-V, and not only that, we are interested also in hidden ladders that are maybe not as important, but have the potential to be. Analytically – for the network presented on Figure 7 there are more than a million possible combinations of A-B-V, the question is how to make the criteria for importance of the a ladder. Several different approaches from Graph theory were examined so at the end it turned out that operationalizing of “most important” is quite simple: Elements included in the ladder should be important. – Each element on respondent level gets a value which is importance divided by 8 (maximum importance). The joint importance of elements within the ladder is multiplication of them. Connections among them should be relevant. - Each connection between two elements within the ladder on respondent level gets a value which is relevance divided by 7 (maximum relevance). The joint relevance of connections within the ladder is multiplication of them. Ladder as a combination should have high frequency in respondent’s networks. A special software application was developed that extracts ladders according to definitions above and restrictions such as minimum importance, minimum relevance, maximum length of the ladder and minimum frequency. Poseben software Izpiše verige, ki so v skladu z zgornjimi kriteriji Z omejitvami: najmanjša pomembnost, smiselnost, frekvenca, dolžina verige 22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007

Kako najti smiselne verige 1 milijon 179 verig The analysis that was limited to ladders of minimum importance of 0,45 , minimum relevance 0,85 and minimum frequency of 30% returned 179 combinations.Top-20 ladders according to frequency, importance and relevance are presented in a Figure 8. The first column shows frequency, the second one importance index, the third the relevance index, the fourth the attribute, the fifth the end value and the sixth and seventh benefits. 22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007

22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007 Pomembni rezultati Lastnost “vsebuje koščke sadja” se povezuje z zdravjem v enaki meri kot lastnost “probiotični” Zdravje Zdravje Je zdrav Je zdrav Top scorers: probiotic-healthy- health, fruit pieces-healthy-health Probio-tični Vsebuje koščke sadja 22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007

22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007 Pomembni rezultati Primer Activie  visoka smiselna veriga z manj pomembnimi elementi je koristna za prepričljivo zgodbo Zdravje Je zdrav Dober za prebavo Probiotični 22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007

22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007 Pomembni rezultati Če pogledamo vseh 179 kombinacij: probiotični je omejen na vrednote, ki so povezane z zdravjem; vsebuje koščke sadja pa se povezuje tako z zdravjem kot tudi z užitkom, svobodo... There were some others pictures of probiotic but I am sure you did not want to see them 22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007

X Pomembni rezultati 32 4 Vsebuje koščke sadja Brez dodatkov Drugačna slika najbolj pomembnih lastnosti, koristi in vrednot X 32 4 The approach has proven that a lot of barriers for market penetration can be eliminated when followed properly. Brez dodatkov Probiotični Sadni Vsebuje koščke sadja 22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007

22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007 Sklepne misli Gosta omrežja so skrčena na smiselno množico verig, ki so neposredno uporabne naročnikom Veriženje je omogočeno na večjem številu anketirancev + bolj vpleteni anketiranci = večja veljavnost izsledkov Metoda odkrije verige, ki jih kvalitativni oz. prejšnji pristopi niso uspeli odkriti The approach has proven that a lot of barriers for market penetration can be eliminated when followed properly. Poznane so verige posameznikov: MOŽNOST SEGMENTACIJE 22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007

člani združenja ESOMAR Tržaška 2 SI-1000 Ljubljana Slovenija +386-1-241-00-66 Info@cati.si www.cati.si SPSS partnerji Gazela 2003 člani združenja ESOMAR 22. marketinški fokus - Ljubljana, 31.1.2007