Objective: To examine the success of the Green Mountain Boys and the formation of the 2nd Continental Congress.
The Green Mountain Boys - In 1775, Vermont blacksmith Ethan Allen led a group known as the Green Mountain Boys in a surprise attack on Fort Ticonderoga, located at the Southern tip of Lake Champlain. Video: Liberty`s Kids: "Green Mountain Boys" (1/2) (10:21)
General Benedict Arnold helped Allen capture Fort Ticonderoga. The British surrendered the fort, along with large quantities of cannons and gunpowder. Video: Liberty`s Kids: "Green Mountain Boys" (2/2) (10:21)
Ethan Allen, with drawn sword, capturing Fort Ticonderoga on May 10, 1775, as depicted in a 19th-century engraving.
* The cannons and gun powder seized at Ticonderoga allowed the American rebels to break the stalemate at the siege of Boston, which caused the British to evacuate the city in March of 1776.
2nd Continental Congress (Philadelphia, 1775-1776) - In 1775, delegates sent King George III the Olive Branch Petition. * The delegates declared their loyalty to Great Britain, and asked the King to repeal the Intolerable Acts. E PLURIBUS UNUM “OUT OF MANY, ONE’
American signatures upon the Olive Branch Petition
* Delegates also set up the Continental Army, naming George Washington as commander. - King George III refused to repeal the Intolerable Acts!