PD Banked Day #3 September 20th, 2016
COMMUNITY BUILDER Time: 2-3 minutes Stevens - What is the one thing you love most about teaching? Strategy: Think/Pair/Share Time: 2-3 minutes
REVISIT OPERATIONAL NORMS Begin and end on time. Publish and Follow Agenda Use technology productively Refreshment Schedule PARKER Have each member take a bullet from their chosen norms Strategy: read aloud Time: 1 min.
Time: 1 min MADRIGAL Which norm will you focus on today? Strategy: pair/share Time: 1 min
TODAY, OUR ... PURPOSE: OUTCOME: Review Lesson Design timeline Guide your planning with PLC Goals, Instructional Plan and Scope and Sequence Continue to collaborate on first Lesson Design Cycle OUTCOME: Meet timeline for first Lesson Design Cycle implementation Barragan Time: 1 min
LESSON DESIGN TIMELINE Cycle 1 Plan/Deliver Peer Observations Complete 10/18 Cycle 1 Reflect/Revise Cycle 2 Plan/Deliver Cycle 2 Plan/Deliver Reflect/Revise Cycle 1 Plan/Deliver September PD Day #2 #3 October PD Day #4 #5 November PD Day #6 #7 December PD Day #8 TINAJERO/PARKER Review the timeline… what questions might you have? What support may you need? Strategy: review and wait time PLC Updates Time: 2-3 minutes
PLC Goal Review/Share-Out STEVENS PLC Breakout Share Out - PLC Lesson Design Goals from Sept 9th Submission Strategy: Round Robin Time: 3-5 mins
Guide your planning PLC Goal/s Scope and Sequence Barragan Guide your planning by including these 3 elements Strategy: Share Instructional Plan Focus Time: 1-2
Guiding Questions Which standard(s) will we address when planning this lesson? What is the focus/content objective of the lesson? What part of the instructional plan (strategy) are we going to focus on for this lesson design cycle? What is our timeline? (NOTE: planning must be completed by October 4 and delivery/observations by October 18.) How will we differentiate to ensure learning for ALL students? How might your PLC assess student learning during the lesson? Additional Resource: http://www.teach-nology.com/tutorials/teaching/lesson_plan/ Barragan Strategy: Pair/Share Time: 1-2
reminders Department Meeting: 9/20 Child Abuse Certification Due: 9/26 Faculty Meeting: 9/27 WASC Small School Focus Meetings: 9/29 Unassigned Day: 10/03 Banked Day Meeting: 10/04 Pay FSA dues before Homecoming: 10/7 Unassigned Day: 10/12 Observations by: 10/18 PARKER Re-GROUP - Dept Chair reviews at the end of the meeting Time: 1 min.
Cascading message MADRIGAL End of meeting… What do you take away from today? In honor of Gottabody!