SSL247® Business Dev Training Internal Presentation This training has been prepared using tips and feedback from SSL247 Sales Teams.
Notcraft Notcraft can help you find out 3 types of clients: Enterprise Retail Resellers How? By sorting your Notcraft in 2 ways: Expiry Date – highlights the big certificates e.g. Wildcard, EV, SAN O Field – then use the Entrust or Google CT Logs
Notcraft Expiry Date Symantec first, then the other Cas Wildcard at the top EV Multi-Domain EV Multi-domain O Field: Helps you find out bigger clients X with Entrust CT Logs X with Entrust or Google CT Logs
Notcraft – Presentation Work (Dead Hours) Expiry Date For Symantec, Thawte and GT: prepare the list whether they are pending/renewed Phone number in your spreadsheet: or google or website (usually the tech contact in ‘’ is the same managing the SSL If you see the ‘’ a reseller name, contact them channel O Field For Symantec, Thawte and GT X with Entrust CT Logs put your notes in the spreadsheet Phone number in your spreadsheet: / Eurodns-WhoIs or google or website LinkedIn profile of the person you think is dealing with SSL and/or DN
Notcraft Exercise – What can you tell me?
Approach Retail – Easiest approach (next slide – questions to ask) Reseller (questions to ask) Enterprise Account – Audit! Interactions!
Questionnaire [Not a script] Questions Questionnaire [Not a script] Other project in the future? X-sell GDPR? PT? when do you plan to perform your next PT? VS. do you perform sometimes PT? Who’s your current supplier/s? You know your competitors! You know your STRENGTHS. Push, push, push and explain why you are the best! (below) The way they order their certs how much time do you spend? Benefit for the client: outsourcing part of the workload !!! we will make his life easier Expiration of your certs: how do you get notified? Have you already missed an expiring cert? Benefit: I’ll back you up (holiday, maternity leave, sickness, ….etc You’ll have email notifications (+ SMS) + myself + Farid ! YOU WILL NEVER MISS ANY RENEWAL! Technical assistance: did you need any help in the past? Benefit: no more hotline! No more ticketing system! You are not a RANDOM client to us People involved in the sales cycle: Decision maker? IT engineer? Filters? UNDERSTAND THE process!
Questions Internal vetting team @SSL247 Vetting: any issue? Hassle? To get your cert issued? Internal vetting team @SSL247 My colleague and I will take care of your orders Benefits: less hassle, smooth issuance, quick issuance Payment: how do pay your certificates? How do you buy your certificates We can offer 14/21 days payment (if client has GOOD credit score) I WILL INVOICE YOU ONCE YOUR CERT IS ISSUED (if one shot deal) 30 days money back guarantee (except Entrust Certs) Price: how much did you pay? I won’t tell you …blah blah (ok, but if you want me to be competitive, give me some info! Pointless for YOU and ME to receive/send an offer which is higher than your current price Sir/Madam!) You can also get info IF you know where they are buying from! LACK of creditability ? Multi-awarded SSE/SSE+ accredited Reference Story telling CLOSED questions! Example: “How long would like to renew your certificate for?” WRONG!!! Let me send you the offer for two years! No, one yes please? Why? Do you change your DN in the next 12 months? Cheaper price/year Migration? FREE REISSUE
Competitive Replacement From GlobalSign to Symantec Group or Comodo From Symantec group to GlobalSign or Comodo From Comodo, Digicert… other CA to Symantec Group or GlobalSign, etc. Global Sign = All the remaining time added on the new certificate + 30 days bonus Symantec Group – All the remaining time (up to 12 months) Client pays 1 year, but can get a 2 year certificate Don’t forget to let your ADV know when you close a deal
No Risk You only want to hear YES No? Why a “no”? 30 days money back guarantee Invoice, once the certificate is issued Trustpilot? → Bring your clients on Trustpilot Reference: List a few references (in the same industry if possible) The words “No Risk” should be repeated several times during the call Good Notcraft call is at least 15-20 minutes
Relevant Information Supplier Price Payment Decision Makers Process Deadline Follow-up call → schedule the date/time (Next Step)