FY09 UPK Program Components and Proposed Expansion


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Presentation transcript:

FY09 UPK Program Components and Proposed Expansion

FY09 Proposed Expansion Components Expand support for existing Classroom Quality grantees Fund new Classroom Quality grantees Support new programs to work towards higher quality/meeting UPK Standards UPK Planning grants directly to programs Capacity-Building pilot

Options for FY09 UPK Expansion Expand Support for Existing Classroom Quality Grantees Option 1: Fund one new classroom and five new homes within existing UPK programs/family child care system (~$2M) 163/216 would become fully funded UPK “programs” Option 2: Fund a subset based on priority criteria (e.g., sites first funded in FY07; sites in corrective action/special status districts; bigger/smaller programs) Option 3: Provide no new funding to existing sites ~$1.7M for 62 new classrooms at existing UPK sites ~$330,000 to add five eligible family child care providers per current family child care system

Options for FY09 UPK Expansion Fund New Classroom Quality Grants Eligible applicants limited to former Assessment Planning grantees and Classroom Quality applicants from FY07 and FY08 that were eligible but not selected. Because eligible applicant pool exceeds available funding, must prioritize: Option 1: Ensure geographic and provider type representation, then prioritize based on “risk” and/or quality factors (follow steps 1-4 as listed below) Option 2: Prioritize based on “risk” and/or quality factors first, do not allocate funding geographically or by provider type (skip to step 3) Step 1 Allocate portion of funding for each region based on population of families at or below 85% SMI Step 2 Allocate portion of funding within each region for each provider type, based on proportion of that type in region Step 3 Prioritize one or more*: Programs in districts identified for improvement, corrective action, or restructuring according to ESE Programs in communities with high percentage of children living in poverty Programs with higher proportions of subsidized enrollment Programs with classrooms/homes led by teachers/providers with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree and higher Step 4 If applicant pool still exceeds available funding, conduct random selection process. *Discussion Question: in what order should priorities be applied?

Options for FY09 UPK Expansion New Planning Grants (~$1M) Option 1: In FY09, fund new Assessment planning grantees as program is currently designed. Programs would need to meet all Classroom Quality requirements except use of EEC-selected assessment tool. Funds used exclusively to implement child assessment system. Option 2: In FY09, broaden eligibility and fund use for planning grants to include accreditation support. Program could apply for funds to support accreditation activities and/or implementation of child assessment system. Option 3: Pursue Option 1 in FY09, and, subject to appropriation, implement Option 2 in FY10.

Options for FY09 UPK Expansion New Planning Grants – Selection Criteria Option 1: Ensure geographic and provider type representation, then prioritize based on “risk” and/or quality factors (follow steps 1-4 as listed below) Option 2: Prioritize based on “risk” and/or quality factors first, do not allocate funding geographically or by provider type (skip to step 3) Step 1 Allocate portion of funding for each region based on population of families at or below 85% SMI Step 2 Allocate portion of funding within each region for each provider type, based on proportion of that type in region Step 3 Prioritize one or more*: Programs that have already started using one of the EEC-selected tools, but for less than one year Programs in districts identified for improvement, corrective action, or restructuring according to ESE Programs in communities with high percentage of children living in poverty Program types or programs in regions underrepresented in Classroom Quality grant applicant pool Programs with higher proportions of subsidized enrollment Step 4 If applicant pool still exceeds available funding for any given provider type, conduct random selection process *Discussion Question: in what order should priorities be applied?

FY09 UPK Expansion Options Capacity Building Pilot Purpose: Design statewide quality infrastructure to support all programs to participate in UPK and eventual Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) Statewide Quality Infrastructure will be designed to: Provide technical assistance and support to programs on: Professional development Accreditation support Curriculum and assessment Early childhood comprehensive services (mental, behavioral, physical health) Etc Coordinate EEC quality resources/leverage other public and private resources Ensure consistent access to quality resources across the state Build on existing strengths of organizations currently providing technical assistance and training

FY09 UPK Expansion Options Capacity Building Pilot (cont.) EEC will issue a Request for Responses (RFR): Identify existing resources Assess current status of program quality, existing capacity, and gaps Analyze current/potential role of EEC regional office, CPCs, CCR&R, and other local/regional entities Research other state approaches Develop recommendations/options for system design Identify implementation steps/options Engage with small group of communities/organizations/regions to test assumptions and involve them in design Potential funding: Up to $200,000 depending on structure