The creation of sedimentary rocks Erosion & Deposition The creation of sedimentary rocks The three types of rocks created by the rock cycle are igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary Metamorphic rocks are created by heat & pressure, while igneous are primarily created by melting solid rock into liquid rock called magma, & then cooling that rock either above or below ground In the rock cycle, sedimentary rocks are created by weathering, erosion, cementation and compaction This PPT discusses the erosion aspect of sedimentary rock creation Erosion often involves water Water will erode the land and it will change the shape of the land This PPT explains how water, which is a surface process, participates in this aspect of the rock cycle
Weathering and Mass Movement Objectives: 1. Describe the processes by which erosion wears down and carries away rock 2. Distinguish between chemical and mechanical weathering 3. Describe the factors that affect the rate of weathering 4. Explain how the force of gravity contributes to erosion by mass movement
Erosion Definition: erosion is the process that wears down and carries away rock and soil Erosion is associated with movement from one place to another Erosion acts through weathering, the force of gravity, and through movement of streams, groundwater, glaciers, wind and waves Erosion breaks down the tallest mountains over time
Weathering Definition: weathering is the process by which rocks are chemically altered or physically broken down into fragments at or near Earth’s surface There are 2 types of weathering: mechanical and chemical Both processes cause rocks to disintegrate and decompose Definition: mechanical weathering is the process of physically breaking rock into smaller fragments In this picture, wind and water in the form of precipitation such as rain are working on these rocks The top layers of the rock will flake off and over time will continue to break into smaller and smaller pieces Ultimately, rocks break down to become the soil under our feet
Definition: frost wedging is physical weathering due to water seeping into cracks and expanding due to freezing Many road potholes are the result of frost wedging Definition: abrasion is physical weathering caused by the process that occurs when rocks scrape or grind against each other This can occur by water or wind
Plant roots cause physical weathering by growing into cracks breaking rocks apart Erosion causes physical weathering by removing material from the surface of the rock, releasing pressure on the rock causing the outside to crack and flake Definition: chemical weathering in a process in which rock is broken down by chemical reactions
Water is the main reactant in chemical weathering Chemical reactions dissolve the minerals that make up the rocks or changes them into new materials Water and carbon dioxide combine to form carbonic acid producing acid rain Acid rainwater dissolves many minerals Rusting, which is a kind of oxidation, occurs in minerals that are rich in iron These rocks have a high iron content Over time, the water, wind and sun have done their work to oxidize the iron into rust creating the red color that you see The grey rocks are flaking due to a similar process and over time will break
Factors that Affect the Rate of Weathering There are 3 main factors that determine how fast mechanical and physical weathering take place They are temperature, availability of water and the type of rock Certain rocks like limestone and marble undergo rapid chemical weathering since their main mineral (calcite) dissolves in water Slate, quartz and mica are more resistant to chemical change
Mass Movement Definition: mass movement is the downward movement of rock and soil due to gravity Definition: the rapid movement of large amounts of rock and soil is a landslide Landslides often happen after heavy rain Definition: mudflow is rapid mass movement of soil & other sediment with water After rain water loosens the sediment, increases its weight and causes it to flow Our area has been susceptible to mudflow in the past It particularly has affected Slide Mountain Chunks of the sheer side break off from time to time If the falling mountain side lands in a significant water source, it can create a mud slide and has done so in the past
Definition: creep is the gradual slowing down of soil that is moving down a slope Creep usually occurs due to ice Creep happens so slowly is often hard to notice Definition: slumping occurs when weak layers of soil or rock move downslope as a single unit Gravity acting on water saturated soil and rock causes slumping
Water Shapes the Land Objectives: 1. Explain how running water erodes the land 2. Identify features formed by erosion and deposition due to running water 3. Describe how caves and sinkholes are formed by groundwater erosion
Running Water & Erosion Definition: deposition is the process in which sediment is laid down in new locations Deposition is a type of erosion Most sediment is moved by running water Running water erodes the land Definition: saltation is the process of particles bouncing along a stream bottom A large amount of deposition with a fast moving water source increases erosion Speed increases a streams ability to erode Look closely at this picture Erosion will wear away the river on one side, picking up those rocks & soil, and then deposit it elsewhere
Features Formed by Erosion Water erosion form v-shaped valleys, waterfalls, meanders and oxbow lakes Near its source the stream moves fast, causes valley’s sides to become steeper & sharply angled creating a V V-shaped valleys can contain rapids and waterfalls Waterfalls develop where a stream crosses rock layers that differ in hardness The harder layers resist erosion for the top of the waterfall while the other layers are worn away creating the cliff over which water tumbles
Definition: a flood plain is the flat area along a stream that is entirely covered only during times of flood During flooding, erosion may further widen the valley Definition: a meander is a looplike bend in the river caused by sediment being deposited on the outside of a curve in the river Features deposited by flowing water include alluvial fans and delta
Definition: an alluvial fan is sediment that has settled out as the stream flows out of the mountains creating a fan-shaped deposit Definition: a delta is mass of sediment that was carried & deposited by a stream that flows into a lake or ocean where the water slows down The delta is located where a river enters a large body of water
Groundwater Erosion The processes of chemical weathering causes groundwater erosion including the formation of caves and sinkholes Acid rain moves through the ground reacting with some rocks Limestone easily erodes away forming caves and caverns Sometimes water drips into the cavern from rock layers above While Reno can get a rare sinkhole, usually from groundwater level, sinkholes are far more common in places like Florida where the ocean is nearby & water is flowing underneath the ground where it cannot be seen
Definition: a stalactite is an icicle-like formation of minerals created from water dripping from the ceiling of the cave Definition: a stalagmite is a pillar of minerals created from water dripping down to the floor Definition: a sinkhole is an entire portion of ground that has collapsed due to erosion weakening a layer of limestone Areas of southern and central US have many sinkholes