Revolutionary War US HISTORY
Patriots vs. Loyalists
Second Continental Congress Organized Army Hired G. Washington Declaration of Causes Olive Branch Petition King’s Response You’ll Be Back Song
The War American Strengths: military leadership, diplomatic leadership, French help, motivation American Weaknesses: disorganized military, no real central government, money, supplies, colonial divisions British Strengths: population, professional army, mercenaries, Loyalists, Native Americans British Weaknesses: political divisions, military leadership, distance to America, size of America
Thomas Paine
1) - change is good, America shouldn’t always be treated as a child Historical Context: Main Idea 1) - change is good, America shouldn’t always be treated as a child - America would flourish trading with everyone 2) - England only uses/protects America for trade 3) - Europe and not England is America’s true mother country - people tried to escape England before, she shouldn’t control their lives 4) - distance & size favor America 5) - England is killing your friends and family 6) - America needs a republic Sourcing: Bias Audience Purpose
Discussion Did Thomas Paine make a convincing argument for independence? Yes/No – Why? Betts Video
Thomas Jefferson Too Late
Reading Questions What is each author’s point of view on the Declaration of Independence? (Claim and evidence) Summarize the introduction to the Declaration of Independence in your own words. Decide if the grievance applies to “only the rich (Rich)” or “all colonists (All)” Based on the grievances, do you support the idea that the Declaration of Independence was done for ideological or selfish reasons? Use at least two pieces of evidence.
Reading Questions 1) He has refused to pass, and forbidden his governors to pass, important and necessary laws. 2) He has broken up certain legislatures that opposed him, and refused to let others be elected 3) He has refused to establish courts of justice, and has made judges dependent on him for their jobs and salaries. 4) He has sent swarms of British officers to harass our people and eat our food. 5) He has kept among us, in times of peace, standing armies, without the consent of our legislatures.
Reading Questions 6) For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world; 7) For imposing taxes on us without our consent 8) For depriving us, in many cases, of the benefits of trial by jury; 9) He is waging war against us; 10) He has plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burned our towns, and destroyed the lives of our people. 11) He has started fights among us and has also forced us to live near merciless Indian savages.
Battle of Saratoga - 1777
French Alliance (Guns & Ships)
Battle of Yorktown - 1781
Treaty of Paris - 1783