Jerminu Nina lives in Timor-Leste His family lives in Oemolo Village in the district of Oecusse
His mother’s name is Grasensia and he has a little baby brother called Bobo
His mum is a member of HAFOTI and makes local products to sell
Can you work out what Jerminu often has for breakfast? Donuts and coffee
In the kitchen, Jerminu helps his Grandma, Antania, to boil water
His only toy is a spinning top
Jerminu’s family gets water from a well in their backyard How do you get your water?
Can you guess how long his shower takes? Less than a minute
His Grandpa, Carlus, works hard shelling beans and preparing the corn they grow
Jerminu’s best friend, Jorge, lives across the road They walk together to school
What is different about your trip to school? At the bottom of the lane, Jerminu crosses through corn stalks to get to school What is different about your trip to school?
Can you guess how many students are in Jerminu’s class at school? 68 Can you guess how many students are in Jerminu’s class at school?
Jerminu will need the school uniform soon or else he won’t be allowed to continue at school
After school, Jerminu plays outside with friends
He also loves looking after his little cousin A lot of time is spent sitting, talking and laughing
Photo credits: Helen Reynolds