Power System TEAM SHOCK Team Leader: Matt Uhrine Hardware Specialist: Dylan Swenglish Software Specialist: Cody Brooks Assistant: Kaleb Hoch TEAM SHOCK
Overview Problem Statement Hardware Software Q & A Requirements Implementation Software Initialization Q & A
Problem Statement Power System: to derive and distribute the required platform voltages from the given 7.2V NimH battery, as well as monitor the voltage of the battery
Hardware Requirements Provide 5V to board Provide 3.3V for XBee module Monitor the battery voltage
Hardware Implementation LM2940 Output steady 5V Input up to 26V Up to 1A output current Needs 22 uF cap. on output pin Needs 1 uF cap on input pin
Hardware Implementation MCP1702 Output steady 3.3V Input 2.7V - 13.2V 250mA output current Use 1uF cap. on both input and output pins
Hardware Schematic
Battery Monitoring NiMH battery type Use ADC to monitor battery Voltage divider for ADC
Voltage Divider & ADC
Software Initialization Create variable of type float
Software Initialization cont. Firebird32 RGB LED (included in “macros.h”) ADC Channel 11 on PTD4
Software Implementation Do conversion Convert result and store Less than or equal to 6.8V? Activate red LED Greater than 6.8V? Activate green LED
ADC Working Proof
Summary Problem Statement Hardware Software Requirements Implementation Software Initialization
References Firebird32-Nano Schematic, Wytec, 2011. Web http://www.aet.calu.edu/ftp/cet/360/resources/Coldfire/NANO_A.pdf MCF51JM128 ColdFire Integrated Microcontroller Reference Manual. Freescale Semiconductor Inc. 2009. Web http://www.aet.calu.edu/ftp/cet/360/resources/Coldfire/MCF51JM128-RefManual-v2.pdf MCF51JM128 ColdFire Microcontroller Technical Data Sheet http://www.aet.calu.edu/ftp/cet/360/resources/Coldfire/MCF51JM128-DataSheet-v3.pdf LM2940/LM2940C Voltage Regulator Datasheet National Semiconductor Corporation. 2007. Web http://www.aet.calu.edu/~jsumey/CET360/smartcar/datasheets/LM2940_LDOreg.pdf MCP1702 Voltage Regulator Datasheet Microchip Technology Inc. 2010. Web http://www.aet.calu.edu/~jsumey/CET360/smartcar/datasheets/MCP1702_LDOreg.pdf