The aim of the presentation is: to analyze how the accomplishment of the research of the professional activities has changed its initial conception and methodology. The initial conception of the research of professional activities was elaborated in the framework of the Lithuanian National System of Qualifications that was based inter alia on the premises of structuralism or even realism. The research questions the structural approach and assists in elaboration of the alternative conceptualization. The alternative conceptualization is based on sociology of P. Bourdieu including the key concepts of field, habitus and different kinds of capital (social, educational, financial). November 21, 2018 Arunas Poviliunas
Following the Tuning Methodology From the ECTS Project The European credit transfer and accumulation concept has to be based on the research of occupational activities and competences of the graduates. Therefore the research is planned to be performed in the project. As the result of the research, the competences maps for 8 study areas will be prepared. The maps will be used by the experts developing strategic documents on ECTS national concept, the methodology of its implementation and demo versions of the curricula. November 21, 2018 Arunas Poviliunas
Analysis of the Field of Occupations or field of professional activities could assist curriculum developers: to identify generic and subject-related competences and qualification units (?), to shift from traditionally oriented methodology focusing on knowledge and content to student centered Tuning methodology focusing on competences and learning outcomes. To apply the methodology of participatory action research combining the elements of curricula development and research of field of professional activities. To improve the process of the curricula development including the elements of the analysis of the field of the professional activities. (“Cultivation of the common sense”). To review the concept of the didactics. Recognition of the subject’s didactics as an inbuilt dimension of the subject itself. To train the researchers of the field of professional activities and establish their network. Conclusion. In general research assists in overcoming constraints that are based on false dichotomies of theory and praxis, of theory and research, of subject itself and subjects didactics, etc. November 21, 2018 Arunas Poviliunas
Search for the relevant methodology: the shift from the WORLD to the FIELD The participation in the project of Creation of the National Qualification Systems reveals that the approach of CNQS is objectivistic and is based on the premises of structuralism. It reminds the classical approach of Ferdinand de Saussure that is based on the distinctions of langue and parole and synchronic and diachronic modes of existence. The CNQS approach foresee the ideal and synchronic models of competencies that could be disclosed by the researchers of the WORLD of professional activities. “Those who treat language as an object of analysis rather to use it to think and to speak with are led to constitute language as logos, in opposition to praxis, as a “dead letter” without practical purpose or no purpose other than that of being interpreted, in the manner of work of art. /…/ This scholarly bracketing neutralizes the functions implied in ordinary usage of language.” (P. Bourdieu) Under the influence of praxeology of P. Bourdieu the research of the world of professional activities transforms into the research of the field of the professional activities. “To think in terms of field is to think relationally”. November 21, 2018 Arunas Poviliunas
The social praxeology instead of intellectualistic philosophy From the viewpoint of intellectualistic philosophy or intellectualistic methodology the world of professional activities consists of ideal models of competencies (in the manner of langue) and its performances (in the manner of parole). The sociology based intellectualistic methodology believes in the possibility to reconstruct the ideal models of competencies. Intellectualistic sociology foresees the researchers who have at their disposal objective methods of the research able to reconstruct the ideal models of competencies. Is it the case? From the viewpoint of social praxeology the different fields of professional activities include different professional practices and competencies that depends on the position in the field (professional habitus). From the viewpoint of social praxeology or socioanalysis the analysis of the field of the professional activities is based on the recognition and reflection of existing professional practices or professional habitus. Therefore the key role in the analysis of the professional field plays the specially trained researchers from study programmes. November 21, 2018 Arunas Poviliunas
From social praxeology to the programme of the research of the field of the professional activity The research team has included two additional groups of researchers one representing study committees and second – employers. The research demonstrates that successful work of these two groups of researchers has assured the success of the research. One of the objectives of the research to give the possibility for curricula designers to include into the design of the study programs immediate experience from the field of professional activities. The result of the research has revealed the varieties of professional habitus existing in the field of professional activities. These habitus were described using the lists of competencies. The participation in the research has facilitated the inclusion of the experience from the occupational field, generated all inclusive learning experience and common knowledge and assists in creating the sense of ownership. November 21, 2018 Arunas Poviliunas
The research team consists of: Coordinating expert group (3 sociologists and 2 assistants) The researchers of the professional field (12 sociologists) Researchers representing study committees (8 x 3 = 24) Researchers representing employers (8 researchers). They were recommended by researchers representing study committees. November 21, 2018 Arunas Poviliunas
The functions of the researchers representing study committees : To identify documentary sources for the in initial list of competencies. To review the initial list of competencies. To assist in identification of the field of professional activity. To participate in the elaboration of the questionnaire for employers. To assist in establishing the contacts with the graduates, the potential members of the focus groups. To assist in elaboration of scenario for focus group with graduates. To review the renewed after the focus groups lists of the competencies. To communicate the collected information about the fields of professional activities to the study committees which are improving or working on new study programmes. November 21, 2018 Arunas Poviliunas
Darbdavių – tyrėjų, profesinio lauko atstovų, indėlis į tyrimą: To review the renewed after the focus groups lists of the competencies. To participate in semi structural interviews on the competencies. To recommend two more employers for the semi structured interviews. To review the guidelines for the improvement of the study programmes. November 21, 2018 Arunas Poviliunas
Thank you for the attention November 21, 2018 Arunas Poviliunas