Childe Harold's Pilgrimage By: Jailen Williams, Chris Downs
Author: Lord Byron 1/22/1788 - 4/19/1824 Born in GB Basic Summary Describes a weary young traveler who is thoroughly disenchanted with human society Includes descriptions about places he’s seen and the places that surround him. Travels wide and across in the forlorn lands to find pleasure in nature He seems to not be able to properly express himself when talking about the beautiful environments in which he encounters. He also claims that though he cannot properly express what he sees, he cannot keep in the excitement about the beauty of the environment.
Theme The theme of this poem is embracing the wonders and beauty’s of the environments surrounding the speaker and being reminiscent about the details that he’s spotted in the nearby scenery. (There is a place far away from everyone in society, where no one lives or bothers the calm and stillness of nature and sea.)
Lines 15-18 Nature and the sea is what is being compared when Byron says, “I love not man more , from these interviews, in which I steal from all I may be, or have been before, to mingle with the universe, and feel what I can never express, yet cannot conceal…..Roll on, thou deep and dark blue Ocean---roll! Ten thousand fleets sweep over thee in vain….stops with the shore;--upon the watery plain. Lines 37-45 The ocean is more calm and subtle, even through its violent crashes, it is still more calm and is not as violent as the nature and is more obedient.
Packet TYPE OF STANZA: Nine line stanza throughout the poem (uses Iambic Pentameter throughout the poem) RHYME SCHEME: In lines 1-9, there will be a word rhymed with another after every line. Ex : “There is a pleasure in the pathless woods, there is a rapture on the lonely shore, there is society where none intrudes, By the deep sea, and music roar….” Effect created : Very emotional and reminiscent Apostrophe : The Almighty’s (Alluded to the God’s or higher forms that watch over the place) and is talking about how the Almighty (God or God’s) is caught up in the rapture of both calm and violent storms, and even though he (Byron or Childe Harold) was afraid of the storms, he was still mesmerized by the storms and he even trusted in them. Comes from lines 46-54