Dust Off Your Data: How existing information is being leveraged to evaluate and optimize municipal systems.
GIS: Why and How We Use it Chastain-Skillman is a Multi-disciplinary Engineering Firm Engineers/Scientist that manage: Infrastructure Land Environmental Resources Automation Increase in Detail Analysis Time/Cost Savings Visualization Verification of Results Public/Stakeholder Presentation How GIS Benefits Us/You
Chastain-Skillman’s GIS Data Library Types of Data Aerial Imagery Political/Regulatory Boundaries Property Ownership Topography Land/Soil Coverage Piping Networks Environmental Data Wetlands/Wildlife Distributing/Sharing Data Internal Base Map ArcGIS Online I-GIS
Flood Protection Analysis STORMWATER SYSTEM MODELING Predict Flood Risk Rainfall – NEXRAD (20 years) Infiltration/Runoff – Land Cover & Soil Survey Surface Flow Patterns– Digital Elevation Model (GIS) Drainage Piping – Stormwater Inventory Automated Model Development Floodplain Mapping Improvement Analysis
GIS to Water Distribution Model Optimization From Existing Data Current Goals: Water Quality Improvements Pipe Size and Configuration Enhancements Maximize Fire Flow Availability Data Used For Model Creation: GIS Asset Network –Pipes, Hydrants, Etc. Property Appraisers Parcels LIDAR Elevation Data System Optimization: Identify opportunities for upgraded pressure in the system Locate areas where fire flow capabilities can be maximized Evaluate the effects of expansion
GIS to Water Distribution Model Optimization From Existing Data Current Goals: Water Quality Improvements Pipe Size and Configuration Enhancements Maximize Fire Flow Availability Data Used For Model Creation: GIS Asset Network –Pipes, Hydrants, Etc. Property Appraisers Parcels LIDAR Elevation Data System Optimization: Identify opportunities for upgraded pressure in the system Locate areas where fire flow capabilities can be maximized Evaluate the effects of expansion
RESTORING NATURAL HYDROLOGY 1850 Land Survey 2014 Aerial Photography
WETLAND RESTORATION PLANNING GIS ANALYSIS Aerial Imagery Digital Elevation Models (DEM) Soils Coverage Hydrologic Models National Wetland Inventory Parcel Data