11th Grade Course Requests Using the Multi-Year Academic Planner (MYAP) to select your classes for the upcoming 2018-2019 school year
Getting Started: Log into Infinite Campus Click on “Academic Planner” Click “Next”
Academic Planner This is what your academic planner looks like:
Core Courses You should see your Core Courses already entered into MYAP. Your counselor entered those courses for you based on their conversations with you when they came to your English or History class. If your Core Courses are not entered into your MYAP, your counselor will be calling you down to select those courses later. There is no need to come to the office to make this appointment.
SELECTING YOUR PE CLASS Iowa law requires you take a PE class every year you are enrolled in school, even if you already have your required 1.0 PE credits. To pick your PE class, find the Physical Education section in your academic plan. Click on the box under 11th grade to select your PE class.
SELECTING YOUR PE CLASS Click on the PE class you want to take to add it your plan.
ADDING ELECTIVE COURSES TO YOUR PLAN You add elective classes the same way you added your core classes (just click on the box in your plan and select the class you want to add). Only select courses that are in bold (the gray courses are classes where you don’t have the required prerequisite to take the course). Okay to request! (prerequisite met) Cannot request! (prerequisite not met)
WHERE TO FIND ELECTIVE CLASSES Look under the “Fine and Applied Arts” section for: Art Music Drama Business Family & Consumer Sciences Tech Education Look under the “Elective” section for: Journalism World Language Ambassadors & I-JAG Social Studies Electives Look under the “Non-credit” section for: Teacher’s Aid Release Time Show Choir* Chamber Choir* Central Campus & Central Academy *These courses earn credit but require auditions before you can be scheduled into them You can add additional English, history, math, PE or science classes by looking under those sections.
HOW TO REQUEST A CLASS AT CENTRAL CAMPUS If you would like to apply to take a class at Central Campus: 1. Add it to your plan in the “Non-credit” section at the bottom. 2. Click on the box under 11th grade to find the “Pending” course for the program you want to request. Click on it to add it to your plan. 3. If you are already in a Central Campus program, this is the only step you need to take.
SUBMIT YOUR REQUEST TO CENTRAL CAMPUS Now that you have added the “pending” course code for a new Central Campus program to your plan, you need to submit your request to Central Campus directly. Open a new tab or window in your browser. Go to centralcampus.dmschools.org. Click on “ENROLLMENT” Scroll down to where it says “ALL STUDENTS” and click on the link. Fill out the online form. **YOUR CENTRAL CAMPUS REQUEST WILL NOT BE PROCESSED UNTIL YOU HAVE SUBMITTED THE COMPLETED FORM**
HOW TO REQUEST A CENTRAL ACADEMY CLASS If you want to request a course at Central Academy, such as a world language or other elective, you will also find these classes under the “Non-credit” section of your plan. Central Academy classes will say “Pending CA” in their title. No online form is required to request a Central Academy course. If you have questions about taking classes at Central Academy, please talk to your counselor. If you selected a C.A. course when you met with your counselor and you already see it on your MYAP, you do not need to do anything more.
WHERE TO FIND ELECTIVE CLASSES Look under the “Fine and Applied Arts” section for: Art Music Drama Business Family & Consumer Sciences Tech Education Look under the “Elective” section for: Journalism World Language Ambassadors & I-JAG Social Studies Electives Look under the “Non-credit” section for: Teacher’s Aid Release Time Show Choir* Chamber Choir* Central Campus & Central Academy *These courses earn credit but require auditions before you can be scheduled into them You can add additional English, history, math, PE or science classes by looking under those sections.
ONCE YOUR PLAN IS COMPLETE… Once you have added all your elective choices, you need to make sure you have enough classes on your plan to build your 11th grade schedule. Look at the top of your plan where it says “Grade 11” You need this to say 6.00-8.00/5.75 (like the example in this box). If it is less then 6.00, you need to add more classes to your plan. If it is more than 8.00, you need to remove some classes from your plan. Once it says 6.00-8.00/5.75, raise your hand so your teacher can check over your plan for any issues.
YOU’RE ALMOST DONE! CLICK SAVE! Please make sure to match your paper course work sheet to what you added into MYAP. Turn this into your teacher. They will be giving this sheet to your counselor. Once your plan has been checked over by a teacher or counselor, you are ready to save it. To save your courses, go to the top of your plan and click on the “Save” button. CLICK SAVE! A box will pop up that says your course plan was saved. Click okay (then you can close Infinite Campus and log off the computer).
Congrats! You’ve submitted your course requests for the 18-19 school year.