Don Bosco Services 35 years caring and supporting vulnerable young people in Dublin.


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Presentation transcript:

Don Bosco Services 35 years caring and supporting vulnerable young people in Dublin

Outline of Presentation Brief Introduction of myself Brief Introduction of myself The History of the Service The History of the Service Individual services we provide Individual services we provide The Irish Context The Irish Context Role of Educator Role of Educator Management of the Services Management of the Services Legal Requirements Legal Requirements Operational Costs Operational Costs My Present Role My Present Role

My Journey Director of Don Bosco House 1982 to 2010 Director of Don Bosco House 1982 to 2010 Membership of Resident Managers Membership of Resident Managers Member of the National Registration Board for Social Workers in Ireland Member of the National Registration Board for Social Workers in Ireland Rector of Salesian Community Sean Mc Dermott St Rector of Salesian Community Sean Mc Dermott St Member of Board of Management Crinin Project Member of Board of Management Crinin Project Member of Board of Directors Don Bosco House Member of Board of Directors Don Bosco House Member of Provinical Council of Salesains of Ireland Member of Provinical Council of Salesains of Ireland

1978 Gardiner Street 1978 Gardiner Street 1985 Opened House Nephin Road 1985 Opened House Nephin Road 1986 moved to Drumcondra Road 1986 moved to Drumcondra Road 1989 Opened House in Clontarf 1989 Opened House in Clontarf 1991 Opened House in Blessington St Opened House in Blessington St Opened House in Phibsboro Road 1997 Opened House in Phibsboro Road 2006 Opened Don Bosco HR 2006 Opened Don Bosco HR 2007 Opened House in Fairview Road 2007 Opened House in Fairview Road 2007 Opened House in Ballymun Road 2007 Opened House in Ballymun Road The History of the Services

Services 7 Centres 7 Centres 6 Residential, 6 Residential, Head Office & Activity Centre Head Office & Activity Centre Outreach Aftercare Service Outreach Aftercare Service supporting 50 teens (boys& girls) moving from care to independence.

Clontarf 1. Clontarf: Head Office & Activity Centre Director & Part-time Admin Staff. Activity centre for Residents and Ex Residents 2/3 days weekly. Activities : Football Coaching, Pool, Boxing, Cooking, Outings, Mentoring Director & Part-time Admin Staff. Activity centre for Residents and Ex Residents 2/3 days weekly. Activities : Football Coaching, Pool, Boxing, Cooking, Outings, Mentoring

Drumcondra Residential Childcare Centre Residential Childcare Centre Staffing: 1 Manager and 9 Social Care Workers Staffing: 1 Manager and 9 Social Care Workers 5 placements for young people aged 10yrs to 18yrs 5 placements for young people aged 10yrs to 18yrs

Blessington Street Residential Child Care Centre and Aftercare Centre Residential Child Care Centre and Aftercare Centre Staffing: 1 Manager and 8 Social Care Workers Staffing: 1 Manager and 8 Social Care Workers 6 placements for young people aged 17yrs to 19yrs. 6 placements for young people aged 17yrs to 19yrs. Young people are deemed a child up to 18 yrs in Ireland so this service bridges the progression from Residential Care to Aftercare. The Aftercare Outreach service is based and managed from this house. The Aftercare Outreach service is based and managed from this house.

Phibsboro Semi Independent Aftercare Service for 18yr to 22 yr old. Staffing: 1 Manager 4 Social Care Workers 6 Placements for young people who are moving directly from Foster Care or Residential Care to Aftercare

Ballymun Residential Aftercare Service Residential Aftercare Service Staffing: 1 Manager 4 Social Care Workers Staffing: 1 Manager 4 Social Care Workers 6 placements for young people moving from Residential Care or Foster Care aged 18yr to 20 yrs 6 placements for young people moving from Residential Care or Foster Care aged 18yr to 20 yrs

Nephin Road This service has four independent apartments This service has four independent apartments Providing the young people to live independently a and have support from The staff team of Providing the young people to live independently a and have support from The staff team of Phibsboro or Ballymun. Phibsboro or Ballymun. There are no staff on site apart from regular There are no staff on site apart from regular Visits to check in with the young people. Visits to check in with the young people.

Fairview Strand This service has five independent apartments Providing the young people with opportunity to live independently and supported by the staff teams of Phibsboro or Ballymun. There are no staff on site apart from regular visits to check in with the young people.

The Context of care: Four Main Developments Young people now live in smaller group homes, this intensified the role of Social Care Workers Young people now live in smaller group homes, this intensified the role of Social Care Workers Older young people with more intolerable problems Older young people with more intolerable problems Massive increase in expectations of Social Care Workers Massive increase in expectations of Social Care Workers Higher awareness of abuse resulting in an increase in anxiety amongst staff Higher awareness of abuse resulting in an increase in anxiety amongst staff

Don Bosco: Education is Key Educators Role : Educators Role : Care Care Accompany Accompany Work with other adults to provide the environment that enables the young to experience what it takes to make their own journey Work with other adults to provide the environment that enables the young to experience what it takes to make their own journey

Role of the Educator Role of the Educator Assist the young person Assist the young person be present in a way that befriends be present in a way that befriends getting to know them getting to know them supporting them, supporting them, taking an interest in the young person taking an interest in the young person believing in him / her believing in him / her showing respect for the person showing respect for the person

Management of the Services Overall Management : Director supported by an Advisory Board of Management. Day to day management, leadership and decision making, assisted by office staff. Responsible for the quality of care of young people in keeping with Salesian Ethos, Financial management and Budget control, staff recruitment & Ongoing Training. Overall Management : Director supported by an Advisory Board of Management. Day to day management, leadership and decision making, assisted by office staff. Responsible for the quality of care of young people in keeping with Salesian Ethos, Financial management and Budget control, staff recruitment & Ongoing Training.

A Manager in each of 4 Centres manages the day to day work of the care staff and provides monthly one to one supervision to individual staff. A Manager in each of 4 Centres manages the day to day work of the care staff and provides monthly one to one supervision to individual staff. Part time Consultant-Psychotherapist, facilitates staff team sessions and supports staff in dealing with challenges of the work. Part time Consultant-Psychotherapist, facilitates staff team sessions and supports staff in dealing with challenges of the work. 10 hrs. weekly. One to one work with individual staff as required,ie Debriefing. 10 hrs. weekly. One to one work with individual staff as required,ie Debriefing.

External consultant- supports the thereaputic work of the teams, 4 days annually. External consultant- supports the thereaputic work of the teams, 4 days annually. Care staff qualifications: BA in Social Care. Care staff qualifications: BA in Social Care. 3 Staff have MA in Thereaputic Care, 2 Staff MA Psychotherapy. 3 Staff have MA in Thereaputic Care, 2 Staff MA Psychotherapy. Aftercare Outreach service is provided by 2 Care staff. Aftercare Outreach service is provided by 2 Care staff. Staff teams have weekly staff meetings and ongoing training days to help them to develop new skills. Staff teams have weekly staff meetings and ongoing training days to help them to develop new skills.

Legal Requirements: Every Agency and each centre providing a care service to children and young people needs to be registered with the Health Authority HSE. Every childrens centre is inspected regularly to ensure it is suitable in terms of purpose and function and meets all statutory requirements. Every Agency and each centre providing a care service to children and young people needs to be registered with the Health Authority HSE. Every childrens centre is inspected regularly to ensure it is suitable in terms of purpose and function and meets all statutory requirements. The building must have adequate facilities, bedrooms, dinning, washrooms, leisure and recreational spaces. The building must have adequate facilities, bedrooms, dinning, washrooms, leisure and recreational spaces...

Appropriately decorated, heated & furnished. Appropriately decorated, heated & furnished. Certified in terms of all fire regulations Certified in terms of all fire regulations Managements & staff have the required training & experience to do the work. Managements & staff have the required training & experience to do the work. All staff have police clearance from any country they have stayed in for more than 6 months. All staff have police clearance from any country they have stayed in for more than 6 months.

Have in place policies which provide child protection, quality care & support to meet the various needs of the children. Every child has rights which need to be supported and protected at all times. Have in place policies which provide child protection, quality care & support to meet the various needs of the children. Every child has rights which need to be supported and protected at all times. Under Health & Safety Legislation, all Health & Safety procedures have to be in place for the well being of children and staff. Under Health & Safety Legislation, all Health & Safety procedures have to be in place for the well being of children and staff.

One member of staff at each centre acts as a health & safety representative who is trained in health and safety. One member of staff at each centre acts as a health & safety representative who is trained in health and safety. There is a Complaints Procedure in place for the children, entitling them to make a complaint if and when they need to. There is a Complaints Procedure in place for the children, entitling them to make a complaint if and when they need to. Every child in care has an external social worker who calls regularly to check in and ensure his placement is working. The child can contact his social worker at any time if he feels a need to do so. Every child in care has an external social worker who calls regularly to check in and ensure his placement is working. The child can contact his social worker at any time if he feels a need to do so.

Current Status: Annual Budget is agreed with the Health Authority HSE/Child & Family Services and SLA signed. Annual Budget is agreed with the Health Authority HSE/Child & Family Services and SLA signed. 40 Staff inclusive of managers, director & administrative staff. 40 Staff inclusive of managers, director & administrative staff. Recent cuts in Budget has required us to develop a new strategy. Recent cuts in Budget has required us to develop a new strategy. A new company is being set up with charitable status. A new company is being set up with charitable status. State funding is not sufficient to fund our present services. We need to raise funds. State funding is not sufficient to fund our present services. We need to raise funds. A CEO has been appointed, a full time fund raiser will follow.