On the Prototype beam test: (I) Noise and signal extraction Maxim Naglis, Deepali Sharma and Itzhak Tserruya HBD meeting, August 1, 2006
Noise [(S8+S9+S10)/3 - S0 ] Noise of a single channel י"ג/כסלו/תשע"ט Pedestal file 203948 Noise of a single channel Sigma as a function of Pad no. Probability to fire on noise for A>n 2 3 4 5 6 11/21/2018
Noise Analysis Sigmas Prob. to fire on noise for A>n S0 SN-SN-1 י"ג/כסלו/תשע"ט S0 SN-SN-1 SN-SN-2 SN-SN-3 SN-SN-4 (S8+S9+S10)/3 - S0 Sigmas Prob. to fire on noise for A>n 2 5 3 4 5 11/21/2018 6
Signal extraction Pulser data, Run #203162 (S8+S9+S10)/3-S0 י"ג/כסלו/תשע"ט Signal extraction Pulser data, Run #203162 (S8+S9+S10)/3-S0 max(SN-SN-1) max(SN-SN-2) max(SN-SN-3) max(SN-SN-4) max(SN-SN-5) 8/1/06 4
Maximum Position Pulser data, Run #203162 max(SN-SN-1) max(SN-SN-2) י"ג/כסלו/תשע"ט Maximum Position Pulser data, Run #203162 max(SN-SN-1) max(SN-SN-2) max(SN-SN-3) max(SN-SN-4) max(SN-SN-5) 8/1/06 5
Signal examples SN-SN-1 SN-SN-2 SN-SN-3 SN-SN-4 SN-SN-5 S0 134 244 311 י"ג/כסלו/תשע"ט Signal examples S0 SN-SN-1 SN-SN-2 SN-SN-3 SN-SN-4 SN-SN-5 134 244 311 358 393 124 246 308 371 402 129 251 317 367 402 8/1/06 6
GEM supply, assembly and test We received: 7 standard + 10 Au plated GEMs 18 frames Assembly and test of GEMs is proceeding at an average of 2 foils per day. Shall be able to send to SB within a week a box containing 11 grids and 13 GEMs Rui is producing 20 standard + 10 Au plated GEMS. Half of them should be send to us by middle of next week, the rest by the end of the month.