Warm Up 2/27 With an elbow partner, try to create a list of what you would consider to be the basic features/components of any given religion. Try to come up with at least 5. Be honest, but respectful (remembering that there are a variety of religious perspectives in the classroom). Answer this question: if you could boil it down to one thing, what is the purpose of religion in an individual’s life?
Learning targets I can examine the purpose of religion in life in order to create a basis for my learning today. I can read the Siddhartha Unit Overview sheet with my class. I can work with a group to complete one of seven exploratory tasks in order to prepare for our Siddhartha unit.
Open the Overview sheet found in Google Classroom.
Group Work Work with a group to complete the task that correlates with the number assigned to you on the next slide. When you finish the task, copy and paste the URL that you used to help you. On my “go,” you have 15 minutes to have a thorough response on the shared Google Classroom document.
Groups 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Haruki Emily Carson Sarah Shelby Patrick Dominic Ben P. Abbie Jill Cooper Josh K. Josh S. Taeler Ben C. Arianna Luke Kyle Brianna Alexa Will Peyton Emma Parker Bella Marissa Ryan On my “go,” you have 15 minutes to create a thorough response on the shared Google Classroom document. Then, we’ll review!
Homework Complete a rough draft of your SRE by the date of our writing conference.