3rd Grade Science Review by: Crystal Slaughter
A mouse is trying to escape the evil scientist A mouse is trying to escape the evil scientist. He is not sure which way to go. Your mission if you choose to accept it is to get the mouse from the first square to the last. In order to get the mouse to the next square you must answer these questions.
1. What starts a food chain? A food chains starts with a producer. An example of a producer is grass.
2. Name an animal that uses air in water to breathe and what body part does it use? A fish breathes air underwater. It uses it’s gills to breathe.
The earth rotating on its axis. 3. What causes day and night? The earth rotating on its axis.
The earth revolves around the sun in about 365 days. 4. Why do we have a year and how long does it take? The earth revolves around the sun in about 365 days.
The moon is closer to the earth than the sun 5. The sun is very big compared to the moon. However they look about the same size. Why? The moon is closer to the earth than the sun
5. What is the life cycle of a butterfly? Egg, larva (caterpillar), pupa, adult (butterfly) Life cycle of a frog? egg, tadpole, tadpole with legs, young frog, adult frog Life cycle of a grasshopper? Egg, nymph, adult
6. Contrast insects and spiders. Spiders have eight legs and insects only have six legs.
7. What are some characteristics (adaptations) that have helped animals survive? Give an example of an animal and its adaptation. Heron has a hooked beak. Eagles have sharp eyes. Ducks have webbed feet.
8. In a food chain what is a consumer? A consumer is anything that eats something else.
9. Name a solid, a liquid, and a gas. Ice is a solid, water is a liquid, and water vapor is a gas.
9. What is a gear? How does it move? A gear is a simple machine that is shaped like a wheel with teeth. It moves opposite directions to each other.
10. How are solid water and liquid water different? Solid water has a shape and liquid takes the shape of the container it is in.
11. Write a description of the water cycle. The water evaporates from lakes and other water sources, then the it forms into a cloud through condensation, the cloud releases precepitation.
12. What happens if you put magnets S to S? They repel or push apart. N to N? S to N or N to S? They attract or pull together.
Well Done!!!