Welcome to Team Meeting 10/17/2014
NURSING Send responses to Red or Green nurse inbox NOT to the individual nurses Release your patients before talking to preceptors about other topics. Patient was left waiting in the room for extended period of time Take your beverages/food items with you when you are finished for the day
NURSING Residents should stay behind until their last patient is checked out Please communicate with your nurse! Limit labs after 5pm DO NOT discuss/precept patients at the nursing station (especially with medical students)
NURSING Put your folder away at the end of the day! DO NOT send messages to nurse inbox in a refill request. Hospital follow-up visit must be 30 minutes?
FRONT DESK For smoking cessation, pt must fail ALL other options before using Chantix When ordering liquid medications (especially insulin), please order the quantity as QS for 30 days instead of bottle/vial Be sure to mark your service at the top of the physical therapy service orders
FRONT DESK When anything is queued that has special instructions, (ex. Mail/fax lab, or attach the previous lab order with this letter), please attach a comment with the instructions to the document, instead of sending a separate inbox message with instructions.
FRONT DESK Please DO NOT send duplicate orders (ex. Referral, diagnostic test or labs). If you do please make a comment when que-ing the document. Ex. Pt was being scheduled for a referral to Urology but it was found after all the processes have been taken place by front desk that a different doctor had already made the same referral a few days ago. Is there a way to prevent this from happening? Please check the facesheet to see if another referral or tests of the same kind has been made recently
RESIDENTS Thank you nurses for doing a great job with rooming patients and completing orthostats, EKGs, UAs etc. prior to the residents ordering them Patients should have their footwear removed if they are coming in for a DPV or Back pain Please check to see who the covering resident is before sending refills or documents How long should we wait until going down to the next covering resident?
RESIDENTS Please check “Historical summary” | “Phone encounters” | “Patient message” | “Orders” before sending multiple residents the same refill/orders New patients Records should be provided to the resident who is assigned to see the patient on their first visit, especially if they are not the PCP PCPs please review records as soon as possible and up date the facesheet
ATTENDING PHYSICIANS QI PROJECT #2: YELLOW sheet for DPV. Are we using it? Are there barriers in the office flow? Is it helpful for patients to set goals? Is it helpful for providers to get the discussion rolling more efficiently? Is it helpful for the rooming nurses? Is it effective in collaborative discussion with pt? Self-management goals and their personal action plan Does it help providers with the documentation using the target icon of Allscripts?
ATTENDING PHYSICIANS Residents, make sure you edit the medical students’ documentation in the reason for visit/ROS before submitting the chart to the attending physicians Vicodin and any Hydrocodone containing substances are now a Schedule II opioid. It CANNOT be sent as e-anything (e-prescription/e-fax). It needs to be PRINTED and SIGNED Tramadol is now a Schedule IV drug. It cannot be e-prescribed
ATTENDING PHYSICIANS Just a reminder: iRemind is fully functional now. Patients are receiving reminders 2 days prior to their appointments. With options to cancel/reschedule/accept IM is no longer accepting new patients! Majority will be funneled to the Canton Community Clinic We may receive some overflow
ATTENDING PHYSICIANS How to order the influenza vaccines STEP 1: Page Dr.Musa STEP 2: If he does not answer, CALL him on his NEW personal cell phone STEP 3: If he still does not answer, his office is located in the Med Ed building and his home is…
ATTENDING PHYSICIANS How to really order the influenza vaccines