Class Computer Connections Rules and Regulations
Goals To have students reach their fullest potential Students are to learn respect for themselves, their peers, and their teachers. Students are to learn, and be comfortable with the basic concepts and regulations concerning technology
Technology includes computers, television, radio, VCRs, DVD players, boom boxes, internet, projectors, Smart Boards and all other equipment, etc.
Ethics to consider Be careful not use any copyrighted material (ex, pictures, video clips) Follow all copyright laws when citing web pages and quoting authors. Be respectful of others using computers around you Use caution when surfing the internet, some sites may have slipped through the pop-up blockers Do not take any of the software, videos, or resources away from the computer site
Before You Start Be on time. Respect others property. Know you log-in name and password. Do not bring your book bags and purses around the computer for risk of unplugging the computers. Please no food, drinks, make-up, lotion, or hair accessories around the computers. Leave any social problems between peers in the hall. Make sure hands are clean
Have a Seat Use only your log-in name and not your neighbor’s. Do not remove any part of the computers from the stations. Do not move the icons, change the backgrounds, or font sizes on the desktop. Do not bring any disks, DVDs, CDs or jump drives from home. Use the provided software with care and respect.
As You Work Work Quietly. Keep your hands off the computer until you know what you are doing. Read the instructions on the computer before asking for help. Follow directions and do not veer from assignments. Do not touch another student’s computer.
When surfing the Web Do not get on the internet without permission. Copy and paste all internet sites used onto a word document for citations. Do not use the internet for personal use when working on an assignment (ex. Checking email, facebook, myspace ) Use only the “safe search” engines posted on the bulletin board. Do not download anything from the internet onto the hard drive. Do not install any programs without permission.
Wrapping it Up When printing pages from the internet, please copy and paste ONLY the pages NEEDED from a site onto Microsoft word before printing. Close all windows, and sites, and then log off. Make sure you leave your site the way you found it. Make sure all software is put into its regular place.
If rules are NOT followed Technology privileges will be lessoned or revoked completely The class as a whole will not be able to enjoy privileges if problems become repetitive School wide disciplinary regulations will be followed (see school disciplinary plan) Technology can be entertaining, educational, and helpful when doing assignments and projects Please don’t ruin other’s opportunities to enjoy these privileges.
It Rules are Followed The entire class will enjoy using the technology provided in the classrooms to do assignments, projects, and for recreational time provided by the teacher. Students will learn respect for themselves, their peers, and teachers. Students will learn the basic concepts of Technology which will attribute to their further success.