The Core Values of FWC #2b – Biblical authority Accurately Interpreted Pastor Mark Schwarzbauer, Ph.D.
This is my Bible. It is the incomparable, inerrant, authoritative Word of God. I am what it says I am. I can do what it says I can do. I have what it says I have. I choose to live as it calls me to live. I am open and ready to receive from God’s living Word.
II Timothy 2:15
Part One: The Core Values of FWC Continued
The Core Values at FWC Everyone needs a personal relationship with God (John 3:3). Emphasis Biblical authority accurately interpreted and lovingly applied (II Timothy 3:16, II Tim. 2:15). Authority
Part Two: Biblical Authority
Our Supreme Authority- The Bible In part one we learned that “inerrancy” is essential to authority.
The correlation is clear If you take away inerrancy you erode authority. If you take away inerrancy you make man the authority instead of God and His Word. St. Augustine “If you believe what you like in the Gospel, and reject what you don't like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself.”
Part Three: Accurately Interpreted
Approved to God- passing test of genuine- pleasing God. II Timothy 2:15 Be Diligent, Study Approved to God- passing test of genuine- pleasing God. Matthew 7:21-27. Rightly dividing – cutting it straight.
II Timothy 2:15 Don’t twist the Bible to make it say what you want or make other people comfortable with their lifestyle, but apply it accurately.
Some Distort the Bible II Peter 3:16 “…untaught and unstable people twist to their own destruction, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures.”
Some Distort the Bible The error of eisegesis… introducing your own presupposition or bias into the text. Those who deny inerrancy twist the Bible to justify the very sins the Bible condemns. Not just untaught… as some are very educated, but spiritually unstable.
We want Exegesis… taking meaning out of text and not reading it in. Some Distort the Bible We want Exegesis… taking meaning out of text and not reading it in.
Honest Interpretation Two step understanding… (Hermeneutics- science of interpretation). Step One: What did it mean to the people it was originally written to? Step Two: How does that meaning apply to you?
Honest Interpretation Keep it in Context, Context, Context. 1. Literary Context. 2. Historical Context. 3. Cultural Context.
Literary Context 1. Read verses before and after. 2. The context of the book or letter. 3. The context of the whole Bible- Build and compare Scripture with Scripture. 4. The grammatical context- what the original words mean.
Historical Context 1. Understand what it meant in that time of history. 2. Look for external writings that shed light on meaning.
Cultural Context 1. The context of where the people lived. 2. The context of what the people faced. 3. The context of what the people believed or thought.
Study… Study to show yourself approved. II Tim. 2:15. To not be ashamed. Being faithful to church- when not here still take in message. Wedn Bible Study. Pastor Mark’s commentaries.
Study… Daily devotions - Message from July 22, 2018 - “The Intentional Interactive Investment Called Devotions” Do Devotions Daily, Study Often, Be Faithful Always.