Young Goodman Brown
Allegory- A piece of literature with two or more levels of meaning Allegory- A piece of literature with two or more levels of meaning. Symbolism usually occurs in the characters, settings, and events of the literary piece.
Characters Young Goodman Brown Events Settings
Characters Young Goodman Brown Events Settings
Young Goodman Brown Characters Events Settings Faith Minor Characters Traveler Young Goodman Brown Leaves Faith Forest Events Settings Meets with traveler Town Night
Allegory ---Characters Young Goodman Brown: Every young, common, good man Faith: Spiritual faith; morality; Traveler: Devil
Allegory- Settings Forest: Evil Village: Puritan law; holiness Night:
Symbolism in objects Pink ribbons: Faith Color Pink: mix of purity and sin white & red (white=purity; red=sin)
Allegory---Events Leaves wife: Leaves faith Goes on an journey Initiation into evil Meets traveler With the devil Sees good people are not good Baptism into evil (hypocrisy) in the world Ribbons fall from tree Loss of Faith (his wife); loss of Goodman Brown’s spiritual faith Returns home bitter and withdrawn Bitterness and guilt as a result of sin (evil)
Theme A theme is an overall main idea that can be applied throughout the story. What is the theme of Young Goodman Brown? All men are sinners and live hypocritical lives. All men are sinners, yet sin can be separating and damaging to man.