CRITICAL THINKING After reading/watching the Allegory of the Cave many believe that the prisoner’s climb from darkness to the light symbolizes the search for knowledge. Plato suggest that we can enjoy freedom that comes with arriving at our own views through critical reflection and thinking.
SOCARTIC METHOD It works like this: One highly effective technique that encourages people to challenge common-sense beliefs and develop clear definitions is the Socratic Method. This is a question and answer process named after Socrates, who used it to zero in on knowledge by challenging common held assumptions. It works like this:
Step 2) the person offers a common sense definition. Step 1) Socrates asks a question that seems straight forward e.g., what is love, or courage? Step 2) the person offers a common sense definition. Step 3) Socrates offers a counter example that does not fit the definition illustrating that it is incomplete or bias. Step 4) The process continues until a suitable definition is constructed or until they agree that it is more complex than originally thought. This method is an effective way of responding to those who claim to be right without being able to explain why. Read Plato’s Euthyrphro from text to students as an example pg 11-12 from philosophy questions and theories or photocopy for a more detailed description
Why Study Philosophy? In mid-30th century American psychologist Abraham Maslow proposed a pyramid-like classification of human needs that can be summarized into two categories: maintenance and self actualization. Maintenance needs form the base of the pyramid and include needs required to maintain life. At the top are self actualization needs which refers to finding fulfillment and reaching ones potential. The highest need is to help others find fulfillment.
Think about the highest need in the allegory of the cave Think about the highest need in the allegory of the cave. After seeing the light of true knowledge the prisoner returns to share his wisdom with others. Plato is telling the reader that the philosopher like the prisoner has an obligation to help others by sharing knowledge.