MUH 3211 - Music History I “Polyphony to 1300” 11/21/2018 Chapter 2 “Polyphony to 1300” DAY 10 (27 Sep 17)
Motet Factum est salutare / Dominus (Anthology I/14) Clausula re-texted (!) “mot” [Fr.] = “word” [Eng.] Chant fragment at bottom Duplum (motetus) above 3vv Motets add Triplum Polytexts (multiple languages) Super Te / Sed fulsit / Dominus (Anthology I/15) A Paris / On Parole / Frese nouvelle (Anthology I/16)
Mensural Notation Limits of “rhythmic modes” (early 13th c) Franco of Cologne (Franconian notation) - Ars cantus mensurabilis (c. 1260-1280) Assigns note values to specific shapes (!) - Long – Breve – Semibreve Divisions are either duple or triple (see textbook) - triple is “perfection” Petrus de Cruce (c. 1280) (Petronian notation) - allows up to 9 semibreves in a breve - adds minum and semiminum
MUH 3211 - Music History I “Music in the 14th Century” 11/21/2018 Chapter 3 “Music in the 14th Century” DAY 10 (27 Sep 17)
The “Ars Nova” Increasing rhythmic complexity after 1300 - use of smallest values (minum and semiminum) - use of duple meters and divisions Philippe de Vitry (1291-1361) - Ars nova (c. 1320) Johannes de Muris (c. 1300-1350) - Ars novae musicae (c. 1320) New style criticized by Pope John XXII, et al. Ars Nova = post-1300 Ars Antiqua = pre-1300, esp. Notre Dame
Le Roman de Fauvel (c. 1316) Gervais de Bus, author Allegory on corruption - both secular and religious Fauvel (horse/ass) - acronym for vices Ascends to throne - lives in royal house -attended by humans Fortuna (fate) allows marriage to Vainglory Gives birth to more Fauvels (Anti-Christs!)
Philippe de Vitry (1291-1361) French courtier/musician Multi-talented MUH 3211 - Music History I Philippe de Vitry (1291-1361) 11/21/2018 French courtier/musician Multi-talented Ars nova treatise (1320) Le Roman de Fauvel Use of Isorhythm (see next slide) Many Motets (but…) …uncertain authorship DAY 10 (27 Sep 17)
Isorhythm 14th-c organizing principal for rhythm Imposed on chant/non-rhythmicized melodies Talea (“segment”/“cut”) = rhythm pattern Color = pitches Ex. Garrit gallus / In nova fert / [Neuma] (Anthology I/18) Talea & color in tenor