The House of The Future?
Bell Using your passports, fill out the reflection log in order to answer the key question: What will the house of the future look like?
Starter Individually, brainstorm what you think the features of the house of the future will be.
Learning Outcomes To understand what the features of a sustainable house are. To apply this knowledge by creating an advert for the house of the future To evaluate and explain the knowledge behind your decisions.
Input Watch the following clip carefully: &hl=en &hl=en While watching, make a list of three things that make the different houses sustainable. Now, can you think of one more element you could add to make them even better?
Construct Look at the following pages taken from (read the Full description sections carefully) Make a list (a maximum of ten items) of the key pieces of information included in the Full descriptions. Using this list, go back and rank the key information in order of importance in terms of sustainability (1 = most sustainable feature/10 = least sustainable feature)
Demonstrate You will need to work in groups for this task. You will need to decide who will fill each of the following roles: Facilitator Time keeper Scribe Team representative TASK (Complete the tasks in this order) 1. As a group, you need to create a Full description for a house of the future which could appear on 2. Choose one room from your house and, using the model from MFL, create a description in either French (yr7) or Spanish (yr8) 3. Create a floor plan like the one on your table for your house. Label each room in either French (yr7) or Spanish (yr8).
Reflection Each group should swap their work (the Full description, floor plan and your French/Spanish room description) with another group. Complete a PMI chart for the other groups work. Be prepared to justify your reasons behind the PMI choices (the team representative will be responsible for feeding back these ideas!).