The Haunted House©! By Camille, Anthony, and Ben CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE!! Click Door To Enter!
You're walking home and you come across an eerie Haunted House! There is a murderous scream coming from inside the house! You go inside to check it out and you see two hallways. One seems safe, another one is dark and mysterious. Which one do you go down? A: The Creepy, Dark, Right HallwayA: The Creepy, Dark, Right Hallway. B: The Good, Safe-Looking Left Hallway.
You walk down the right hallway. It is really dark and eerie, you notice. You find an injured woman who has messed up hair and lots of scratches on her face. Maybe she's the one who screamed. Do you really think she did? C: Maybe you should help her D: You keep walking down the hallway
"I guess I'll decide to go and help the woman," you say. She has red hair and her skin is pale as snow. Noticing that her eyes are a deep red color, she seems kind of mysteriously creepy. You ask her what happened and she starts to laugh like a psycho. E: Stay and still help herE: Stay and still help her. F: Run away from herF: Run away from her.
You see a glowing figure and it seems to appear like one of your passed on relatives. "That'd be cool if it's my grandfather…." you murmur. Maybe it can help you if you see what or who it is… G: You go and check it out. H: You run away in terror!
She turns out to be a VAMPIRE!!! Pointy fangs grow inside her mouth "I want to suck your bloooood!!" She bites your neck and you turn into a vampire. Well, being a blood thirsty vampire isn't so bad. THE END THE END TRY AGAIN? TRY AGAIN?
The lady is so creepy, you decide to run away and come across a portal. It says "Outdoors" on a purple Post-It note. Jumping through the portal, you land in front of the house again! Then there was a flash! You woke up! It was just a very bad dream! Phew! THE END THE END TRY AGAIN? TRY AGAIN?TRY AGAIN?TRY AGAIN?
You follow the silver figure that you saw and it leads you to a golden door. You go through the door an are astonished to see you're outside! He says " I AM YOUR GREAT GRANDFATHER. " The two of you both live happily ever after… Well you "live" happily ever after!!! THE END! THE END! TRY AGAIN?
You run away in terror and find a very old cobweb and dust covered door that says EXIT. When you go in, there's a little breeze and some dust falls off the exit sign. It now says NOT AN EXIT. Inside, there's a herd of green groaning ripped up zombies. They remove your brain and give it to their leader. The rest eat the remains of your body. Sorry, you're the main entrée! THE END! TRY AGAIN?
You go down the safe-looking left hallway and you find two potions with a riddle written on a tattered green sticky note. It says, "To get out of here on the fly, you must CHOOSE WISELY." Which potion do you drink??? I: The Barf Green Colored Potion J: The Golden Yellow Potion
POOF! You turn into a small barf green colored turtle! AAAAH!!! A purple broken legged zombie is limping slowly after you. You think to yourself, "Good, I'm glad I have time to make a decision because the zombie is awfully slow." K: Hide in your hard shell L: Hide in a dark room on your left.
POOF! Your arms turn into huge, golden wings! Good, now you might be able to get out of this freak show. Which way do you fly to look for a way out of here? M: Fly down the orange colored left path N: Fly right, down the purple path
"BRAAAAAAAAINS!" Moans the purple zombie! It picks you up and CRACK! It broke its jaw on your shell. He drops you upside down. You struggle to get on your feet but the zombie stumbles and kicks you over. You waddle down a hallway and go through a golden door. It is an exit. You are free! Now how do you change back? Well, at least you're free. THE END! THE END! TRY AGAIN?
You hide in a dark room and you see a wart covered, teal witch. "Ahahahaha! How convenient! Just what I needed!" She picks you up and drops you in the red colored potion she was brewing in a black cauldron. THE END! THE END! TRY AGAIN? TRY AGAIN?TRY AGAIN?TRY AGAIN?
You fly left and you see an unused chimney. Flying up, you make it out safely- you're free! When you land outside, POOF! The wings wore off, and flew away by themselves. You run all the way home. Your mom asks how the time with your friend was. Giggling, you murmur, "Well.. Thats a long story." THE END! THE END! TRY AGAIN? TRY AGAIN?TRY AGAIN?TRY AGAIN?
The wings take you right and you go through a black door. POOF! Plunging to the ground, you realize that your wings wore off. AAAAAAAAH! You try to flap your arms, but you fall into a pit of golden spikes and Black Anaconda snakes. Oh no! Well, I guess its….. THE END THE END TRY AGAIN? TRY AGAIN?TRY AGAIN?TRY AGAIN?