Assistant Director of Informatics Dylan Williams Assistant Director of Informatics Dylan to talk about himself and his healthcare background.
The Informatics Team Jeff Pye, Head of ICT Services Mike Lugg, Head of Programmes and Clinical Systems Kathy Spiller, Programme Manager Lynda Jones, Project Manager and Project Support staff Jeff Pye will be available for 10 minute Q&A sessions afterwards regarding the ICT specifications, for which you can book a slot following these presentations. Informatics have made a commitment to this project by supplying a full-time Project Manager and Project Support Staff to ensure its success. 21/11/2018
Informatics Our objective: To provide services, support and information to enable BCUHLB to be an information led business in the most useful, relevant and appropriate way which should enable the most effective, safe and efficient provision of patient care. Williams, D. (2012), Information Management and Technology Operational Plan 2012/2013, BCU Informatics consists of... Our vision and our objectives for the future are... Proves very difficult due to all of the disparate systems (shown further in this presentation). 21/11/2018
A Shed Load of Data We like the slide – encapsulates what’s happening in a nurse’s life and how this affects the patient, and the fact that information is required more than ever. This isn’t an old problem it’s a new one as there are greater expectations from all (patients and staff). The Nurses become overwhelmed as they are the interface between the technology and the patient and this gets out of balance (different systems and different logons). Data has to be collected to improve the way we treat patients and help us to make better decisions and become more efficient. We want to make information gathering not only part of care but seen by everyone as integral. © 2013 EE Limited 21/11/2018 A Shed Load of Data, EE Telecommunications , photograph, viewed 10th September 2013 <>.
Clinical Systems East Central West Patient Administration Systems Myrddin PAS PiMS Emergency Department Systems Symphony Imaging , Pathology and/or Requesting Systems ICE PACS STARR WCP PACS WCP Telepath RADIS RADIS PACS RADIS Other Systems This slide shows a selection of our current clinical systems used across BCUHB (not exhaustive). Most of these sessions are standalone with no integration. Therefore patient data has to be inputted into each system causing further time delays. As a fairly new organisation BCU has systems across the Health Board which also do not integrate with each other, causing further overlap and repetition of data if a patient is treated at another site. Orosos = theatres CVIS = Cardiology Gemnet = Cardiology Medictrax = HSDU SSDman = HSDU Q Pulse = Pharmacy EPOC WCCG WCCG CVIS WCCG Gemnet CVIS SSDman Q Pulse Orsos Meditrax Q Pulse TheatreMan Q Pulse
Future State Input once, use often Good communication and handover Lean Future proof integrated systems Linked alerts Time to care Other industries have managed to resolve this problem for example Tesco knows where all there stock is on what shelf etc. at any given time. Part of the BCU challenge to you is to: Stop serial recording of patient information. Near real time data being made available to all involved in patient care. More streamlined systems. Support efficient discharge process. Solution to be future proof with the ability to interface with other systems. Be intuitive, save time and easy to use. Do not want to add further burden to clinical staff. Improved patient flow and discharge process Relevant and timely information How was your care today? 21/11/2018