Claire Gillespie ICT & Digital Technologies Sector Skills Manager, Skills Development Scotland Closing the Digital Skills Gap: Developing a Talent Pipeline
Digital is Transforming Our World
Digital Technology Is Important
Blended Skills Needs Problem solving Manipulating technology Managing complexity Analytical thinking Cyber Security Cyber Resilience Data Programming
Developing the Talent Pool
Helen Allison, Regional Partnership and Delivery Manager for South West region, Skills Development Scotland
Foundation Apprenticeships For senior phase pupils S5-S6 Work-based learning typically over 2 years Delivery partnerships with schools, colleges, training providers and employers Work based learning at SCQF Level 6 Deliver elements of a Modern Apprenticeship Provide industry recognised qualifications Offer multiple progression pathways – into work including fast-track entry to a related MA, into a GA, FE or HE
Digital FA Frameworks FA Group Award at SCQF Level 6 in ICT Software Development. Comprising: Knowledge: National Progression Award in Software Development (SCQF Level 6) Skills: Work based units from the Diploma for IT and Telecommunications Professional (SCQF Level 6) Competence: Work based competence units delivered and assessed in the workplace in a digital role. FA Group Award at SCQF Level 6 in ICT Hardware and Systems Support. Comprising : Knowledge: National Progression Award in Professional Computer Fundamentals (SCQF Level 6) Skills: Work based units from the Diploma for IT and Telecommunications Professional (SCQF Level6) Competence: Work based competence units delivered and assessed in the workplace in a digital role. The Information Technology FAs were developed by the The Tech Partnership in consultation with a network of employers including ........ their aim was to increase the supply of skilled young people into Digital Sector employment in Scotland . This led to two new frameworks Software Development – including an NPA in Software Development and part of the Diploma for IT & Telecommunications professionals Hardware/Systems Support - Including and NPA in Professional Computer Fundamentals and part of the Diploma for IT & Telecommunications professionals The Creative and Digital Media FA were developed by the Creative Skill Set SSC in consultation with key employers including the BBC, Bauer Media and the NUJ. It recognises potential growth, particularly in Television, Publishing, Content for Computer Games, and Interactive Media. This consultation led to the Creative and Digital Media FA and includes; NPA in Creative and Digital Media: Technologies ,Processes and Practices at SCQF 6 Units from the Diploma in Creative Digital Media at SCQF Level 7 FA Group Award at SCQF Level 6 in Creative and Digital Media. Comprising : Knowledge: National Progression Award in Creative and Digital Media: Technologies ,Processes and Practices (SCQF Level 6) Skills: Work based units from the Diploma in Creative Digital Media (SCQF Level 6) A media project unit at SCQF Level 6 Competence: Work based competence units delivered and assessed in the workplace in a digital role.