Religious dress codes for women in today’s society Aim: To look at whether religious dress codes are restrictive for women
Write down in bullet points the schools uniform policy How might this relate to the idea of dress codes?
Look at the images below Which religions do these women belong to? Discuss with your partner the similarities and differences in their clothing.
The similarities between Hasidic Jewish women, some Muslim women, and Catholic nuns are… However, the differences between these three groups of women are…
Why might women follow religious dress codes?
Watch the clips and answer these questions What American Women Who Wear Hijab Want You to Know Meet Brooklyn's Hasidic Hipsters What are the dress codes these women follow? Why did they choose to follow these dress codes? What are the stereotypes these women face? Are they restricted by their religious dress codes? What did you think of these clips and how they portray religious dress codes in today’s society?
Homework Answer this question by writing a paragraph with your own view and an opposing view. ‘Religious dress is restrictive to women in today’s society.’ How far do you agree? Due next lesson