Thursday 1st September 2016 WALT: use clues from the text to make predictions about what might happen next.
Reflective WALT: use clues from the text to make predictions about what might happen next. ‘On our way boys,’ said Miss Roberts. ‘Say goodbye to London, and good luck. Not for ever, you know. We’ll be back.’ Recap: Where are they off to? What might they be thinking? What is life going to be like where they are going? Let’s read Chapter 2
Reflective WALT: use clues from the text to make predictions about what might happen next. WILF All of you will be able to empathise with a character and say why they might feel that way. You will be able to use what you already know to predict what will happen next. Most of you will be able to suggest more than one alternative prediction for the following chapters stating why you think this might be the case referring to clues in chapter 2. Some of you will be able to use a wide range of evidence-based openers that demonstrate that you have a deeper understanding of the text.
Reflective WALT: use clues from the text to make predictions about what might happen next. ‘They have to sleep somewhere, don’t they?’ Miss Roberts sounded crisp. They were speaking in that urgent half-whisper that adults use when they don’t want to alarm listening children. Activity: how are David and Tucky feeling and what will happen next?
Reflective WALT: use clues from the text to make predictions about what might happen next. Using what we’ve discussed and the text (Chap. 2) we are going to be making some predictions about what might happen next. With your partner, discuss what you personally think will happen but also be prepared to discuss WHY you think this. Refer to the text if you can to back up what you are saying.
WALT: use clues from the text to make predictions about what might happen next. Could you use any of these sentence starters to explain your ideas from your partner talk? I think/believe that… As a result of… I think that… Due to the fact that… I believe that… It is my opinion/belief that… The story/Morpurgo seems to suggest that… Having considered the options, I predict…
Reflective WALT: use clues from the text to make predictions about what might happen next. WILF All of you will be able to empathise with a character and say why they might feel that way. You will be able to use what you already know to predict what will happen next. Most of you will be able to suggest more than one alternative prediction for the following chapters stating why you think this might be the case referring to clues in chapter 2. Some of you will be able to use a wide range of evidence-based openers that demonstrate that you have a deeper understanding of the text.