Community and Recreational Music Making: Jam Session II How to Start and Run a Strum and Drum Program Friday, July 13, 2012 2:30 p.m.- 3:15 p.m.
Rick Carlson, Kala Brand Music Moderated by: Rick Carlson, Kala Brand Music With: Eric Lacovara, George’s Music Erik Dunton, Positive RePercussions Todd Elgin, Ukedelics
What is a Strum and Drum?
Why Start a Strum and Drum Program 1. Attract new customers. 2. Create a sense of community in your store. 3. Create new musicians and increase sales. 4. Generate positive customer experience. 5. A low-cost way to create a successful event.
Why Start a Strum and Drum Program Cont. 6. An effective and fun way to teach students of all ages. 7. A great tool for marketing your store. 8. Easy to organize. 9. A great way to encourage repeat customers. 10. Effective with both small and large groups.
Contact Kala to get information on their Ukulele Circle Starter Kit.
Before Your First Strum and Drum Find a Facilitator Who is the “right” facilitator? They should: Keep a steady rhythm Know a few chords Enjoy singing Memorize a few songs Where do you look for a facilitator? Store staff, guitar teachers, uke instructors Google “ukulele clubs” in your city Check local schools/colleges for a uke group.
Before Your First Strum and Drum cont. 2. Promoting the Event Where do you promote? How do you promote? Who do you invite? Who promotes? What role does Social Media play? Free resources available?
Before Your First Strum and Drum cont. 3. The Plan Length of meeting? Only jamming or lesson too? Make a simple outline of the meet. How do you combine multiple instruments? Who does what? Where do you hold it? Where do you get the instruments? How frequent do you hold events?
Before Your First Strum and Drum cont. 4. Get Resourced Ukes and percussion Facilitator Songs What makes a song a “good” song What Skill level should you choose? How many songs? How often do you repeat songs? Where can you find music? Chord Tabs
For more information on starting a Strum and Drum program contact:
Please join us for a Strum and Drum: RIGHT NOW! Instruments provided by:
3:30 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Up next - Jam Session III: Providing a Place to Play: How To Run an In-Store Jam Session -with Amy Ball-Braswell, Capo’s Music Store