Supporting children with SEN in school Helen Heery SENCo network co-ordinator for Islington Schools Assistant Head for Inclusion Tufnell Park Primary
Role of the SENCo Determines with Head and Governing Body the strategic development of SEND policy and provision Day-to-day responsibility for the operation of the SEND policy and co-ordination of provision Providing professional guidance to colleagues Working closely with parents/specialists Advising on deployment of the delegated budget Buying appropriate equipment Liaison with other establishments and networks Record keeping Planning transition to new settings and new classes Managing Teaching Assistants
The SEN Information Report will include how we: Identify and assess SEN Adapt teaching and the curriculum Make adjustments to the learning environment Provide auxiliary aids Assess and review progress Support transition Develop staff re: SEN Engage specialists Evaluate the effectiveness of provision Support access to extra curricular activities
EHC plans SEN support Pupil passport Provision mapping Levels of support EHC plans SEN support Pupil passport Provision mapping
ASSESS –PLAN –DO –REVIEW •The Code of Practice describes The Graduated Approach as a “cycle through which earlier decisions and actions are revisited, refined and revised with the growing understanding of pupils’ needs and of what supports the pupil in making good progress and securing good outcomes”
SEND code of practice Where a pupil is receiving SEN support, schools should talk to parents regularly to set clear outcomes and review progress towards them, discuss the activities and support that will help achieve them, and identify the responsibilities of the parent, the pupil and the school. Schools should meet parents at least three times each year.
SEN Support Plan for Brian Smith This support plan covers Autumn term 2017 My goals for this year My goals for this term How we will measure progress How did I do? 1 I will read level 9 Catch Up books I will read level 8 Catch Up books Catch up assessment 2 I will be able to answer 50% of level C questions in Language for Thinking I will be able to answer 20% of level C questions in Language for Thinking Language for Thinking assessments 3 I will be able to identify different emotions I will be able to identify a time when I have felt an emotion 80% of the time Speech and Language assessment 4 I will be able to have a conversation with my friend for at least 3 turns each independently. I will be able to have a conversation with my friend for at least 3 turns with support 5 I will be able to blend sounds together to read and write 1 syllable rhyming words. I will be able to read and write words with ack, ent, ump, ill Weekly assessment through dictation 6 I will be able to add 2 digit numbers independently. I will be able to add 2 digit numbers with support. eg 23+41 I will know the value of each coin Class assessment 7 I will play with a variety of friends in the playground To do an activity for 5 minutes every day with one of my friends. TA to monitor on daily chart 8 To improve my throwing and catching I will throw and catch a tennis ball 5 out of 10 times Weekly assessment
Actions and Resources Goals Literacy Catch Up reading sessions Actions to help me achieve this Who When Resources 1 Literacy Catch Up reading sessions TA 2x per week 20 mins Catch Up Books 2 Language Language for Thinking sessions Sp and lang TA 1x per week 30 mins Lang for Thinking programme 3/4 Speech and Language sessions Sp therapistTA 2x per week 45 mins Speech and Lang resources 5 Phonic Awareness programme 4x per week 15 mins PAT programme 6 Numeracy Daily maths session Use money for addition and subtraction Teacher/TA 5x per week 20 mins Numicon, Dienes Blocks, IPAD 7 Social skills Choice board of activities and friends TA to remind daily at playtime Cookery club Social story for winning and losing Stress scale 1x per week 20 mins Choice board and choice of activities 8 Large motor skills Gross motor skills activities 1x per week 15 mins Tennis balls Arsenal Multi skills Mum Fridays 6-7pm Arsenal