Triple junction 'shed' optimization for the 200kv CEBAF gun upgrade Carlos Hernández Gabriel Palacios 3/8/2017
Outline Ball vs T cathode Top flange accurate modeling Shed optimizations Triple junction Cusp
Ball vs T-cathode -250 kV side view
Sphere vs T-cathode -250 kV front view
Top flange
Top flange potentials along rubber-insulator boundary.
Original vs best (mod 2.3)
Original vs best (mod 2.3) potential
Original vs best (mod 2.3) E field along x-axis
Original vs best (mod 2.3) E field along y-axis
Original vs best (mod 2.3) Ex field on cathode-anode gap
Original vs best (mod 2.3) Ey field on cathode-anode gap
Original vs best (mod 2.3) Ey field on cathode-anode gap
Original vs best (mod 2.3) Ey field on cathode-anode gap
Original vs best (mod 2.3) cathode-anode gap
Conclusions The simulation quality improved by using detailed geometry. The shed should be close near the triple point and then curve away softly to optimize the fields around that area. does not have a strong effect on the potential and electric fields along the rubber-insulator boundary. slightly modifies the y component of the electric field in the cathode-anode gap.