Design your own house Click here to enter
Introduction Discuss what kind of environment your house is designed for (Eg. hot/humid/city) Describe it main energy supply (Eg. Solar, coal, etc.) Include the ideal tenant/s (Single business person, family of 6 with 2 dogs, etc) Link this page to the overall layout pageoverall layout
Overall Layout This is where you put the overall layout which you can make in Paint Create hyperlinks from this page Page design Length of project The alternate view Marking Hyperlink
Page design For each room you should create a page which highlight the green features of that room (At least 4 per room). You will create a hyperlink which goes to this page as the last step Be as creative as you like in this section, if you need an additional page link the pages together using hyperlinks * Make sure you put a hyperlink on each page to go back to the Overall layout pageOverall layout
Length of project There is no limit to the number of pages, however you should ensure you have sufficient information to describe your features. The more features you have, the higher your mark will be, but dont skimp on detail * Make sure you put a hyperlink on each page to go back to the Overall layout pageOverall layout
Hyperlinks Add all the hyperlinks as the final step Highlight the name of the room in your overall layout picture. Type CTRL + K, this will come up with the hyperlink box In the left hand column select Place in the document and select the appropriate slide * Make sure you put a hyperlink on each page to go back to the Overall layout pageOverall layout
Marking You will be marked on: –Creativity/originality –Green features –Quality of presentation –Work during class time * Make sure you put a hyperlink on each page to go back to the Overall layout pageOverall layout
The alternate view Put in an additional view to your house Make it a side view so I can see where the features are located Add information like the positioning of the house (North and South) * Make sure you put a hyperlink on each page to go back to the Overall layout pageOverall layout