The triplet code Starter A DNA molecule is 23% guanine.


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Presentation transcript:

The triplet code Starter A DNA molecule is 23% guanine. What percentage of each of the other bases would it contain? G = 23% C + G = 46% C = 23% A = 27% T = 27% So A + T = 54% (to make a total of 100%)

Aims: What is a gene? How do genes code for polypeptides?

A gene is a section of DNA nucleotides that codes for the sequence of amino acids that make up a particular polypeptide.

Depending on the specific groups in each amino acid the polypeptide chain then forms secondary & tertiary structures

The triplet code Only 20 amino acids Each amino acid has its own code of bases on the DNA 3 bases code for an amino acid (triplet code) 64 codes so some amino acid have more than one code. In eukaryotes much of the DNA doesn’t code for amino acids – introns Sections of DNA that code for a.a - exons Introns found between and in genes

Features of the triplet code Few amino acids have only a single triplet code Most have between 2-6 triplet codes each Degenerate code Always read in one direction Start of a sequence is always the same triplet code – methionine 3 triplet codes are stop codons Code is non-overlapping and universal

Understanding checkpoint An enzyme is a protein that is responsible for speeding up chemical reactions. An enzyme’s shape is crucial to it’s function. How would a change in one base result in an enzyme becoming non-functional?

Aims: Explain to your partner What is a gene? How do genes code for polypeptides?