UW: Jinlun Zhang, Mike Steele AOMIP workshop 2009 The Impact of Changes in Arctic Sea Ice on the Marine Planktonic Ecosystem UW: Jinlun Zhang, Mike Steele OSU: Yvette Spitz WHOI: Carin Ashjian URI: Robert Campbell http://psc.apl.washington.edu/zhang/BIOMAS/index.html
Scientific Objectives Synthesize the historical evolution of the arctic biology, sea ice, and ocean system in the past decades to understand the large-scale changes that have occurred in the sea ice, upper ocean, and, to the extent possible, the marine planktonic ecosystem over this period. Identify key linkages and interactions between the sea ice, the upper ocean, and the planktonic ecosystem to understand how changes in sea ice affect biogeochemical processes and food-web dynamics in Arctic shelf and basin upper ocean ecosystems and the export of OM from the upper ocean.
The pan-Arctic Biology/Ice/Ocean Modeling and Assimilation System (BIOMAS) BIOMAS Grid Configuration
BIOMAS Model Components Parallel Ocean and Ice Model (POIM, Zhang/Rothrock 2003) POP (parallel ocean program) ocean model (Smith et al. 1992) Dynamic thermodynamic sea ice model (Hibler 1980; Zhang/Hibler 1997); teardrop ice rheology (Zhang/Rothrock 2005) Two marine planktonic ecosystem models based on Spitz et al. (2001) & Kishi et al., (2007)
Modified Kishi Spitz …no ice biology yet
Preliminary results from BIOMAS with the modified Kishi et al Preliminary results from BIOMAS with the modified Kishi et al. ecosystem model (no assimilation)
Modeled August ice thickness and PAR PAR 0.43 Fsw (z=0) White line: observed ice edge Ice retreat: more PAR Thinner ice: more under-ice PAR
Chlorophyll a (1998-2006 mean) SeaWiFS (Pabi et al., 2008) BIOMAS
Modeled ice concentration and PP Comparison with observed PP in process. (V. Hill, P. Matrai)
Modeled and observed annual PP integrated over the upper 100 m north of 66N
Modeled daily evolution of PP, Chl a, picophytoplankton (PS), and mesozooplankton (ZL) in comparison with SBI data ( ) range ok timing ok sometimes…
Modeled vertical distribution of Chl a and PP in comparison with SBI data uhhh… Low surface & deep values Sub-surface max
Thank you! http://psc.apl.washington.edu/zhang/BIOMAS/index.html Paper in preparation…