Datblygu'ch Hunan fel Arweinydd Tîm Developing Yourself as a Team Leader
Poster ar wal yn un o swyddfeydd llywodraeth Harare gan yr awdur o Dde Affrica, Doris Lessing The Boss drives his men The Leader inspires them The Boss depends on authority The Leader depends on goodwill The Boss evokes fear The Leader radiates love The Boss says ‘I’ The Leader says ‘We’ The Boss shows who is wrong The Leader shows what is wrong The Boss knows how it is done The Leader knows how to do it The Boss demands respect The Leader commands respect So be a Leader Not a Boss
Arweinydd Tîm / Team Leader “ . . . yr arddull arwain yw achos yn hytrach na chanlyniad perfformiad y cwmni . . . “ “ . . . the leadership style is the cause, and not the consequence of the company’s performance . . . “
Yr Arweinydd Tîm / The Team Leader Rôl a chyfrifolderbau AT Defnyddio adborth ar perfformiad a nodi meysyddd er mwyn gwella Role and responsibilities of TL Use feedback on performance and identify areas for improvement
Rôl yr Arweinydd Tim Role of the Team Leader Pa dasgau/cyfrifoldebau/swyddi/rolau a gyflawnir gan Arweinydd Tîm da? ☺(tud 4, cwest 1 a 2) What tasks/responsibilities/jobs/roles does a good Team Leader actually do? (pg 4, quest 1 & 2)
☺ Llawlyfr – tud 4, cwest 1 a 2/ pg4, quest 1 & 2) Team leader’s role/responsibilites Report back/answerable to line manager Instructing/training Plan/set targets Solve problems Give information Make decisions Monitor work and ensure quality Communicate between line manager and team Team members’ appraisal Develop policies/procedures Submit reports Hold meetings Spending - budget Cyfrifoldebau/Rôl arweinydd tîm: Adrodd ‘nol/atebol - rheolwr llinell Hyfforddi/dysgu Cynllunio/gosod targedau Datrys problemau Rhoi gwybodaeth Gwneud penderfyniadau Monitro gwaith a sicrhau ansawdd Cyfathrebu rhwng rheolwr llinell a’r tîm Gwerthuso aelodau tîm Datblygu polisïau/gweithdrefnau Cyflwyno adroddiadau Cynnal cyfarfodydd Gwariant – cyllid
Rôl yr Arweinydd Tim Role of Team Leader Hwylusydd Facilitator Hyfforddwr Coach Cydlynydd Co-ordinator Cyfathrebwr Communicator
Rôl yr Arweinydd Tîm – ennyn hyder eich tîm Role of Team Leader – achieve confidence of your team Give support (in meetings and during difficult times at work Ensure all team members have clearly defined roles Have clear aims and objectives Give clear instructions Rhoi cefnogaeth (mewn cyfarfodydd ac yn y swydd Sicrhau bod rolau holl aelodau’r tim wedi’u diffinio’n glir Pennu nodau ac amcanion clir Rhoi cyfarwyddiadau clir
C A M P U S S M A R T 5 rheswm dros gael nodau ac amcanion 5 reasons for having aims and objectives Mae gan y tîm ffocws Treulio amser yn gwneud yn lle gweud Haws i gwblhau tasgau ar ôl iddynt gael eu diffinio Ymdeimlad o fod wedi cyflawni Yr arweinydd yn ennyn parch Team is focused Time spent doing instead of clarifying Defined tasks are easier to complete Sense of achievement Leader gains respect
Rôl yr Arweinydd Tîm – ennyn hyder eich tîm Role of Team Leader – gain confidence of your team Give positive feedback Praise Listen effectively Rhoi adborth cadarnhaol Canmol Gwrandewch yn effeithiol
Maint eich terfynau Extent of boundaries Awdurdod? Atebolrwydd? Lluniwch ddiffiniad o’r ddau air Sut mae’r rhain yn berthnasol i chi? Oes terfyn ar eich awdurdod/atebolrwydd? ☺(tud 5, cwest 3) ` Authority? Accountability? Create a definition of both words (2) State how these apply to you. (3) Are there limits to your authority/accountability? *(pg 5, quest 3)
☺ tud 5, cwest 3 - pg 5, quest 3 Problems outside team leader’s authority/accountability: Long term problems Disciplining serious misconduct Serious breakdown or malfunction of equipment Budget Appoint/fire staff Failure to supply good by suppliers (Give examples of: What/When/How there is need to refer to a higher authority) Problemau tu allan i derfynau awdurdod/atebolrwydd arweinydd tîm: Problemau tymor hir Disgyblu ymddygiad difrifol Diffygion gydag adnoddau/celfi pwysig Cyllid Penodi/rhoi clwt i weithwyr Methiant gan gyflenwyr – talu/cyflwyno (Rhowch enghreifftiau ar: Be/Pryd/Sut mae angen mynd at awdurdod uwch)
Tud 5, cwest 4 – pg 5, cwest 4 Disgrifiwch sefyllfa lle rydych yn cyfeirio at rywun sydd ag awdurdod uwch. Beth oedd y sefyllfa? Pam na allech chi ddelio ag ef eich hun? Disgrifiwch y broses o gyfeirio. Describe a situation where you referred to someone with senior authority. What was it? Why could you not deal with it yourself? Describe the process of referral.
Adborth ar Berfformiad (tud 6,cwest 5) Feedback on Performance (pg 6 ques 5) Pwy sy'n rhoi'r adborth? Who’s giving the feedback? Sut? How? Ffenestr Johari Window Beth i'w wneud ag adborth a dderbynnir? What to do with received feedback?
Adborth a Dderbynnir Feedback Received Os bydd rhywun yn dweud mai ceffyl wyt ti, gwena arno. Os bydd dau’n dweud mai ceffyl wyt ti, meddylia amdano. Os bydd tri’n dweud mai ceffyl wyt ti, dos i brynu cyfrwy. If one person says that you are a horse, smile at them. If two people say that you are a horse, give it some thought. If three people say you are a horse, go out and buy a saddle.
Eich ‘Crynodeb Oes’ eich hun Your own ‘Life Summary’ You have a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience: Refer to your own ‘Life Summary’ Mae gennych gyfoeth o wybodaeth, sgiliau a phrofiad: Cyfeiriwch at eich ‘Crynodeb Oes' eich hun On a sheet of A4
Rôl yr Arweinydd Tîm Role of the Team Leader Nodweddion Personol Personal Qualities Dibynadwy Sgiliau rheoli amser Cyson Hunan-hyderus Sgiliau trin pobl Ennyn hyder Teg Gonest Penderfynol Dealltwriaeth Dangos parch at eraill Dependable Time management skills Consistent Self confident People skills Inspire confidence Fair Honest Determined Understanding Show respect for others Brainstorm: in pairs/groups/class-feedback What personal qualities does a Team Leader need? (these are the ‘soft skills’ that are harder to identify by ‘science’, but are easy to spot eg fair, honest…) Person Specification: Now compare your list with what is listed in your official person spec! You can add the extra ones to your Person Spec and mention them at your next Appraisal/Personal Review and suggest they are added officially by Personnel.
Cyfeiriwch at eich ‘Tabl Rôl Swydd’ Refer to your ‘Job Role Table’ Y sgiliau sydd eu hangen ar gyfer eich swydd The skills needed for your job Cyfeiriwch at eich ‘Tabl Rôl Swydd’ Refer to your ‘Job Role Table’ Activity 3a In an ideal world, what skills should a person have in order to do your job? Activity 3b Most candidates are appointed even though they meet only X% of the recruitment criteria. Does this surprise you? In reality, how would you rate your skills against each of the ideal skills above? (use your ‘life summary’/CV to help you judge your level) Is there a gap?
Pennu anghenion hyfforddi perthnasol drwy ddefnyddio'r Disgrifiad Swydd (DS) Identifying relevant training needs using a Job Description (JD) Mae'r DS yn nodi cyfrifoldebau; defnyddiwch fel dull o gymharu Cyfrifoldebau Goruchwylio Ystyriaethau TG Manylion am yr unigolyn Pa mor gyfredol yw'r DS? The JD identifies responsibilities; use it as a comparison tool - Supervisory responsibilities - I T considerations - Personal specification How current is the JD? Comparison tool: compare what the job needs against what the individual already has – are they a close match/where are the gaps? Management responsibilities – do you have management training needs? IT considerations – any IT training needs? Person specification – knowledge/education level, personality traits – ‘Essential and Desirable’ any training needs? How current is the JD? Has the job and its responsibilities moved on and this has not been recorded on the JD? – implications: staff doing tasks for which they have not been trained! Tasks may be being avoided or done wrongly due to lack of training.
Pennu anghenion perthnasol o ran datblygu ☺(tud 7, cwest 6/pg 7 quest 6) Identify relevant development needs Mae'n bosibl bod rhai eisoes wedi codi Some may have been identified earlier STEP/PEST SWOT Gweithgaredd SWOT SWOT Activity When you successfully apply for a job it’s because you were the best candidate of them all. You were the person chosen to fill the position because of your existing skills and knowledge. These met many of the job requirements. STEP analysis - External factors that may influence your job role. They may show themselves as ‘problems’ at work: Social Technological Economic Political SWOT analysis – carry this analysis out on yourself to see if you can identify further areas of improvement that you may not yet have discovered or thought possible. When you were first appointed you will have met the majority of the role requirements (not 100% of them). Which ones did you have? Strengths and which did you feel you needed to develop in? Weaknesses What if you have been doing the job for some time – organizations and the conditions in which they operate do change (STEP) – is your job the same as it was when you were first appointed or has it also changed? What new knowledge and skills do you now need to deal with these changes? What might you need in the future? What knowledge or skills will you need as a result of current (or future) change? Opportunities Threats Activity (10 mins) issue my personal SWOT analysis
Erbyn y tro nesa’ . . . By next time . . . 360º / Adborth gan cydweithwyr/rheolwr/tim Feedback from your colleagues/manager/team SWOT neu Adborth Gwerthuso SWOT or Appraisal Feedback Ateb y 6 cwestiwn yn y llawlyfr Answer the 6 questions in the handbook