Title One Program Reflection Report to the CCSD Board of Education June 19, 2017 Sue Skala, Title One Coordinator Doreen Jones, Denise Little, Jeremy Adrian, Kristy Marxen, Jenn Terwilleger - Title One Teachers Denise- Thanks for inviting us to share our successes with you. Teachers intro self
Data Review Student Growth from Fall 2016 to Spring 2017 1st Grade Composite Student growth All students 31.1 Title 26.4 Non Title 32.2 aReading All Students 29.6 34.1 28.6 Doreen- Remind everyone that Title 1 students are the bottom 20% of the grade level students. or double read in aReading and composite/CBM-r Data Review Student Growth from Fall 2016 to Spring 2017
Student Growth from Fall 2016 to Spring 2017 2nd Grade CBM-r Student Growth All Students 38.9 Title 40.8 Non Title 38.3 aReading All students 16.5 22.6 14.7 Doreen: We are approaching data analysis through a collaborative lens. A goal of ours was to look at individual student growth and we feel these data points best show this growth. Student Growth from Fall 2016 to Spring 2017
Jenn Parent Survey Results
Teacher’s Professional Learning -LETRs training -Building Level 95% training -Assessing, Preventing and Overcoming Reading Difficulties by David A. Kilpatrick -Equipped for Reading Success by David A. Kilpatrick -Attending the Summer Literacy Symposium through Grant Wood. Kristy- During our PLC time we come back together and discussed our implementation of our learning with the kids in we see. All of our professional learning this year is closely alligned with our work with 95% Group. Two of the book studies we did as a PLC this year were to closely read the research by David Kilpatrick. We will also be spending two days this summer learning at the GW Symposium this summer.
Big Ideas from New Learning The importance of phonemic awareness and that it needs to be taught to all struggling readers. Orthographic Mapping to help students hear all the sounds in the words and improve automaticity of sight words. Phonics continues to be a focus for instruction. Kristy- Some of our new learning from Kilpatrick this year. Big Ideas from New Learning
2016 – 2017 Action Steps for Improvement Continue to collaborate with classroom teachers to align instruction - Collaborated with teachers during PLC time regularly Work with classroom teachers to regularly use assessment data to drive decision-making - Met in data teams monthly to drive instructional decision making with grade level teams Meet as a Title 1 team to collaborate at least one time per month. Met 2 times a month Create video demonstrations for parents - Used the Seesaw app to communicate strategies and ideas with families in addition to showing student progress. Kristy to pull up Holden in SeeSaw 2016 – 2017 Action Steps for Improvement
Reflections from the Year + - -Book studies -Title PLC -End of the Year Celebration -Freedom to differentiate as necessary for groups -Seesaw -95% overload -lack of comp in 95% -need constant review of letters and letter sound. 95% neglects this -report cards *Invite GW and Jessie to our PLC *Iowa Reading Research Center Jeremy Reflections from the Year
Future Considerations Continue to focus on individual student growth and closing the achievement gap. Continue to refine and improve our Title PLC practices with a focus on best practices and professional learning. Continue to engage parents and make them partners in the learning process of their children. Further engage community members and business to promote literacy in our school district. Denise Future Considerations
End of Year Celebration!! 55 families; 150 parents/grandparents and siblings Each student received a free book Snacks and raffle ticket prizes for those in attendance Area library summer reading program coordinators spoke Certificates of achievement were given Summer take home activities provided Jeremy
Doreen Questions