Session 1: Setting the Scene


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Presentation transcript:

Session 1: Setting the Scene Aligning for better results in changing environments 5th IHP+ Country Health Teams Meeting Session 1: Setting the Scene

background 2012 IHP+ meeting in Nairobi Clear messages about obstacles to better health & health services from ineffective cooperation between governments and their partners. Critical areas identified where action needed at global and country level. Became known as the seven behaviours of effective development cooperation. These concern us all – governments; international development agencies and civil society. 2014 IHP+ meeting in Siem Reap: we will Look back: what has changed? What progress have we made? Look forward: discuss priorities short and longer term

The seven behaviours – not new but important

Looking back: what has changed since Nairobi, in the world at large? Notion of 'effective development cooperation' now more embedded; BRICS and other emerging economies providing more technical and financial cooperation Recognition that priorities for cooperation may differ in different environments, even if principles remain the same Global aid architecture remains complex Consequences of the global economic crisis continue to be felt among traditional donors. Overall levels of health aid maintained, but some donors changing instruments they use at country level 400 days to go to the MDGs A new global public health emergency – Ebola

Looking back: what has happened since Nairobi in IHP+? IHP+ has 9 new partners: Afghanistan; Denmark; Guinea Bissau; Haiti; Luxembourg; Myanmar; USAID and most recently Comoros and Japan. IHP+ priorities have centred on the seven behaviours. Involve us all 3 types of action to promote progress on the behaviours Political and organizational action Development of approaches and tools Accountability for progress and results Many of you have been involved

Action 1: 2013 renewed commitment on seven behaviours by all development partners Dec. 2012 IHP+ Country Health Teams meeting -> Key messages to ministers, heads of agencies, 2013 7 behaviours endorsed by heads of agencies; at WHA session 'Aligning for better results' 2013 -2014 Global health leaders agree collective global focus on M&E Rapid reviews of possible action on 7 behaviours in Senegal; Sierra Leone; Myanmar, Burundi, Ethiopia 2013 - 2014 Global health leaders agree collective focus on M&E Jan 2014: 1st IHP+ Steering Committee meets 2014 4th round monitoring supported by IHP+Results 24 countries participate in monitoring Sept Agreement on reduced global reporting requirements Four countries expressed interest on moving forward with the intensified approach: Senegal – Minister held partners' group meeting, discussions at WHA Burundi – self-assessment of 7 behaviours, discussions at WHA Myanmar – Minister requested an initial rapid review mission Sierra Leone – initial discussion of Minister with 21/11/2018

Action 2: tools and approaches One information and accountability platform Global Reference List of Core Indicators for Results Monitoring Joint Annual Health Sector Reviews: a review of country experience – basis for 2014 guidance on why and how to organise JARs Financial management technical working group established – includes countries and international development agencies Work on technical assistance and south-south cooperation: rapid reviews of current issues and opportunities in countries Continued use of established tools and approaches eg JANS; continuation and review of civil society small grants programme

Action 3: Accountability for progress and results In Nairobi, we agreed to continue monitoring, with modifications More country-based and country-led Fewer indicators Closer links with Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation To remain voluntary 4th round of monitoring of progress in effective development cooperation in health just completed More countries and more international development partners this time, including 4 INGOs Draft results to be discussed here – in session 2

Actions: many of you involved… Health sector strategy development: many new national strategies developed; half of countries here today have jointly assessed them using JANS Country compacts / partnership agreements: two-thirds here today have some form of compact Joint financial management assessments New health strategy monitoring frameworks; joint annual reviews - increasing Rapid reviews of the seven behaviours – and opportunities for action Analyses of south-south cooperation and technical assistance Civil society CSO engagement in national health policy & performance monitoring processes; CSO position paper on aid effectiveness in health post 2015; 4th round of monitoring of progress in development cooperation Ways to promote mutual accountability at country level explored

In Siem Reap, we will navigate this large agenda Session 2 Takes stock of overall progress, using latest results from IHP+ performance monitoring Sessions 3-8 Discuss different behaviours in more depth, especially those where global as well as country action is needed. In all sessions we will think about progress, challenges, priorities Sessions 9 and 10 Bring these discussions together. Discuss priorities for effective development cooperation short term and post 2015, and how IHP+ should evolve Craft a few key messages