Events After the Election Texas Secretary of State Elections Division 11/21/2018 Events After the Election Presented by Caroline Geppert County Election Officials Election Law Seminar 2016 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Events after the Election Forms and Documents Provisional Ballot Process Voter ID Requirements (“Cure” process) Statement of Residence Presidential Ballot Voter History 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Texas Secretary of State Elections Division Documents/Forms Procedural Forms Envelope No. 4 Summary of Provisional Ballots Verification of Provisional Ballots and Serial Numbers List of Provisional Voters Notice of Delivery (of Provisional Ballots) Provisional Ballot Affidavit Voter ID Forms Request for Temporary Exemption – religious/natural disaster Request for Disability Exemption Provisional Voters Appearing to Voter Registrar During Cure Period – “Cure List” Statement of Residence 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Texas Secretary of State Elections Division Envelope No. 4 Precinct List of Registered Voters and Supplemental List (if any) Registration Correction List (18.003) Completed Statements of Residence Copy of Combination Form Or separate affidavits if applicable Voter with required documentation who is not on list (63.006) Omissions List (63.006) Must be delivered to VR next business day after custodian receives from Presiding Judge (PJ must deliver records not later than 24 hours after the polls close) 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Provisional Ballots TAC 81.174 & 81.175 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Provisional Ballot Procedures VR can take possession: During early voting (rolling basis) On election night The next business day after the election Must post “Notice of Delivery” 24 hours before taking possession on election night (or during early voting). 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Provisional Ballot Procedures Upon receipt of ballot box or transfer case containing provisional ballots and affidavits, VR shall sign the Summary of Provisional Ballots to verify that the box was intact and the seal was unbroken. VR breaks seal and unlocks the box VR completes Verification of Provisional Ballots and Serial numbers General Custodian shall supply extra seals to re-seal the transfer case when review is complete. 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Provisional Ballot Procedures Transfer box should contain: Summary of Provisional Ballots List of Provisional Voters EV and EDay Provisional Ballot affidavits - Extra Seals 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Provisional Ballot Procedures The Voter Registrar must keep the “List of Provisional Voters” together with the corresponding Provisional Ballot Affidavit Envelopes for that precinct. 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Provisional Ballot Affidavit – Registration Issues The Voter Registrar is required to determine and mark the voter’s registration status on the Provisional Ballot Affidavit 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Texas Secretary of State Elections Division DPS Portal Advisory 2015-08: New text in Qualifying Voters on Election Day, Election Judges and Clerks Handbook 2016: “If the provisional voter indicates they are registered, the election officer must ask the person if they registered at DPS. If person states they did register at DPS, the election officer must ask the person if the person knows the approximate date that the person went to DPS. The election officer must then note that the voter went to DPS and, if the person knows, the approximate date the person went to DPS, on the Provisional Ballot Affidavit Envelope in the “Other” line.” 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
DPS Registration Provisional Ballot Affidavit Election judge has marked “Other” box on provisional ballot affidavit envelope and noted (1) That voter went to DPS and (2) the date voter visited DPS, if known. 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Voter Registrar Review – DPS Portal Reminder: Identify and separate provisional ballot affidavits showing voter registered through DPS, and process FIRST so DPS has time to research and respond. After provisional ballots are sent to the VR, VR will enter information into DPS web portal. Recommend this be done no later than noon on Friday, 11/11/16 DPS will research registration. If voter indicated desire to register or update registration, the voter’s registration is considered “submitted to the registrar” under Section 13.142 of the Code as of election day. 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Voter Registrar Actions Provisional Ballots with Registration Issues VR will indicate on the Provisional Ballot Affidavit Envelope whether voter was properly and timely registered and should have appeared on OLRV. 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Provisional Ballot Procedures - Registration Issues Provisional Ballot Affidavit Envelope serves as original voter registration application or change form Effective Date: 30 days from the Election Date If residence address outside of county, VR will forward copy of Provisional Ballot Affidavit to appropriate VR. The application source code for Provisional ballots is “53” using the Election Date as the registration date. 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Provisional Ballot - Voter ID Requirements If a voter does not have valid identification when voting, they have until the 6th day after election day to: Present a valid ID to the Voter Registrar Complete a temporary exemption request Complete a disability exemption request Deadline moves to next business day of it falls on a weekend or legal state or federal holiday VR’s office must remain open during regular business hours on regular business days (days that are not state or federal holidays) for 6 days following election day. 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Texas Secretary of State Elections Division Voter ID Requirements The “Cure List” VR maintains list of voters that presented ID/applied for exemption during the “cure period.” 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Texas Secretary of State Elections Division Voter ID Requirements Temporary Exemption Religious Objection Natural Disaster Not marked in TEAM Not kept with the voter registration record Attaches to Provisional Ballot Affidavit 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Texas Secretary of State Elections Division Voter ID Requirements Permanent Exemption due to Disability Submit application showing proof of disability US Social Security Administration disability determination. Department of Veterans Affairs rating of at least 50% Application attached to original voter registration application Issue voter new certificate containing indication of disability exemption under 15.001(c) 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Texas Secretary of State Elections Division Voter ID Requirements VR will mark the blank that best reflects the voter’s actions during the “cure period.” 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Provisional Ballot Procedures - All Provisional Ballots The Voter Registrar will copy Provisional Ballot Affidavits for updating records. VR will place the following in a transfer box that is resealed. All of the Provisional Ballot Affidavits, List of Provisional voters, Summary of Provisional Ballots, and Extra Seals VR will complete Verification of Provisional Ballots and Serial Numbers Transfer box will be delivered to the Presiding Judge of EVBB. 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Statement of Residence SOR is used when A voter has a change of residence, or Is on the suspense list VR is responsible for supplying election officials with SOR forms Completed in person on election day or sent with ballot by mail. 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Statement of Residence Effective Date of SOR: In Person: Date of submission to the polling place judge By Mail: date of review by the EVBB Must retain SOR with voter’s original voter registration application 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Texas Secretary of State Elections Division Presidential Ballot Chapter 113 allows former Texas resident to vote a ballot for president and vice-president when voter: is domiciled in another state; was registered to vote in Texas at the time the former resident ceased to be a resident; would be eligible for registration to vote in this state if a resident; on presidential election day, will not have resided in the state of present domicile for more than 30 days and is not eligible to vote in the presidential election in that state. EV Clerk shall notify VR of the name of each voter who voted a presidential ballot, as soon as practicable after voting closes. Best Practice is to forward a copy of the Application for a Presidential Ballot to VR. ( VR cancels voter’s registration upon receipt of the notice, per Section 113.006. 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Texas Secretary of State Elections Division Voter History Must be submitted to SOS no later than the 30th day after the date of: Primary, Runoff Primary, General Election, or Any special Election Ordered by the Governor. Must be submitted in the record layout established by the SOS. 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Texas Secretary of State Elections Division Voter History The record layout is obtained directly from SOS. 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Texas Secretary of State Elections Division Voter History Voting History that is submitted to SOS must specify if the voter voted: Election Day Voted Early by Personal Appearance Voted Early by Mail under Chapter 86 (ABBM) Voted Early by mail under Chapter 101 (FPCA) 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division
Texas Secretary of State Elections Division Questions? 11/21/2018 Texas Secretary of State Elections Division