Post-16 Programme PSHE lessons and Citizenship: Personal Statements Kudos Programme Careers Advice Appointments Mock Interviews
Post-16 Programme VISITS TO SCHOOL DURING PSHE: 7th September: Suffolk One 21st September: Colchester Sixth Form 5th October: Colchester Institute 19th October: Suffolk New College (Suffolk Skills Show) 9th November: Northgate Sixth Form 23rd November: Otley College
Choosing the right path Talk to other people Make visits to the Centres / Attend Open Evenings Make visits to Websites of Centres Study Prospectuses
Key Points Apply early – especially if courses are popular for example (in the past) construction and beauty courses Aim to complete applications before the Christmas Holiday There is sometimes flexibility to move courses once you have been accepted by a Centre Look carefully at different options
Successful Applicants Aim high in studies High attendance rates, punctuality and attentiveness improve achievement Be successful in Controlled Assessments Revision is vital (Mock Examinations will take place for Year 11 students from 5th to 16th December 2016)
Back up plans Make back up applications – aim high, but, if appropriate, make alternative course and centre applications at different levels of study Full reports published on 18th November contain a Tutor Statement. Post-16 Centres are likely to request details of current performance of students
Parental help Be aware of any Controlled Assessment deadlines Offer support by talking with your son or daughter Encourage good time management and attendance at after-school study and revision sessions Be aware of useful revision techniques
Parental help Homework: a significant time is to be spent on homework, including revision, to aid examination preparation Please liaise with Subject Teachers if there is a need
Applying Most applications for Post-16 courses are being made through the internet Inform Tutor, and Mrs Burns, directly when an online application is completed Make multiple applications Please be aware that there may be a delay in hearing from some Centres
Further support is available Contact your son or daughter’s Tutor or Miss Andrew Contact Subject Teacher or Subject/Faculty Leaders over specific subject concerns Miss Andrew will be available each lunch-time for one-to-one support with Post-16 applications should students require this