Open Access Publishing: Briefing Session – CASS College Executive Friday 29th March 2013 Chris Banks, University Librarian and Director Laurence Bebbington, Deputy Librarian and Head of Library Services
Aberdeen – OA where are we now? University Policy on Open Access now agreed by University SMT encourages Green OA; Gold OA where needed encourages deposit of all outputs in AURA wherever possible Institutional Open Access Fund set up: only for RCUK/Wellcome Trust Gold OA where needed Gold OA still available, where requestor has other funding Applying for APCs (Article Processing Charges) from OAF: a Word form from 1st April; to be replaced by an online form one form for all APC payments Vital to “complete the circle” – update PURE; ResearchFish; ROS Web-pages to be launched for 1st April
Help and Guidance Help and Support: Information Consultants and Information Advisers Webpages Background to OA OA at Aberdeen Make Your research OA Forms: (APC Form) Guides (e.g. FAQs etc) Dedicated email account for enquiries/help: Advocacy programme
Inspire to enquire