Notecard 18- Impersonal se Se goes before the third person singular form of a verb (the él/ella form). Se is used when you are saying one, someone, anyone, they or you Examples: Se vende They sell bread in the bread store- Se vende pan en la panadería. In the above example no one person in particular sells bread. Bread is just sold in the store.
Notecard 18- Impersonal se It can be used to say that something is done without saying WHO does it. Also you it can be used to say what IS and IS NOT allowed. Se prohibe+ inf. - It is prohibited (not allowed) Se permite+inf.- It is permitted (allowed) Se prohibe fumar- No smoking Se permite nadar- Swimming allowed
Notecard 19-Car, gar, zar verbs and conocer in past tense Verbs that end in CAR, GAR or ZAR have irregular YO forms in the past tense. Buscar- Yo busqué Jugar – jugué Empezar- Empecé Note: ONLY the YO forms of car,gar, zar verbs are irregluar the other forms are normal.
Notecard 19-Car, gar, zar verbs and conocer in past tense Conocer is a regular verb in the past tense Its meaning changes in the past tense though. In the past it means: to MEET (as in for the first time) Yo conocí a Matt.- I met Matt.
Notecard 20- Irregular preterites p. 94 Many verbs that are irregular in the past tense have very similar conjugations. Andar- to walk Tener – to have Anduveanduvimos Anduvisteanduvisteis anduvoanduvieron TuveTuvimos TuvisteTuvisteis TuvoTuvieron
Notecard 20- Irregular preterites p. 94 Many verbs that are irregular in the past tense have very similar conjugations Dar- to give Ver- to see DiDimos DisteDisteis DioDieron ViVimos VisteVisteis VioVieron
Notecard 20- Irregular preterites p. 94 Venir – to come VineVinimos VinisteVinisteis VinoVinieron