November 15th
Food Theme Planting Day Farmer’s Market Shuttle System November 21 2:00-4:00pm Tree and herb planting Meet in the pit! Farmer’s Market Shuttle System Sustainability officers responded well Also promotion of other ways to get fresh food in the area RHA endorsement
Ath(lets get down to bidness)ics CLINT GWALTNEY RESPONDED TO US HIP HIP HOORAY also hi Working on getting in touch with the new Natalia She is leaving us RT if u cri erretiem Want to plan compost sweep of de basketball stadium and maybe a Water Awareness Women’s Basketball game
Facebook Page!! - Send any publicity requests to with information about your event; will post within 24 hours Continuing Sustainability Social Connection -planning next meeting -staying interconnected Continuing with Earth Day planning
Composting Updates: Communicating with the Union and others to establish composting in other locations high density locations visiting Morrison’s weekly sustainability events publicizing composting for spring semester
Waste Reduction and Recycling weeklong competition (11/16-11/21) spoke to Sust officers thursday: they are on board to advertise the plastic film competition: competition based on participation Other updates: Promotional campaign met with the graphics team
Full Executive Meeting Cocoa with StuGo MOnday 11pm-2pm Staffing the EAC booth Everyone get on facebook; find the event and invite all your friends and groups edit?usp=sharing We are going to fix our trifold!! Nov. 18th Rams Head Sustainability Social Lunch (THIS Wednesday) 12pm-1:30pm Everyone who has a meal plan should attend!!! (who has extra swipes?) Next Full Committee Meeting Nov. 22nd 5pm-6pm No Meeting over Thanksgiving Break FULL Executive Meeting Monday Nov.30th 8pm Union?