A Portion of the SCP RF Control System LCLS Related Many items have been omitted because I forgot to include them If I redid this talk weekly for 20 years I would get closer to a complete summary of the SLC Control System R. Akre June 27, 2008
Sector 0 RF Master Oscillator Master Amplifier Fiducial Generator Voltages Temperature Frequency Power Cross over switch Master Amplifier Power Levels Fiducial Generator Countdown Chassis Sec 2 to 30 phase shifter MTG Modules (PEP SLC) PDUs FIDOs 360Hz DRTC MDL Interferometer MDL Feedback
Timing System MPG Beam Code PNET, PP YY, and all the other stuff I don’t understand
RF System Triggers 1 Reactivate or Deactivate Klystrons on Different Beam Codes Select Rates for Klystrons with Conditional Statements
RF System Triggers 2 Beam conditional requirements for triggers
240+ Klystrons in Linac Monitors VVS voltage and VVS control voltages and Status
Fast Time Plots many Parameters Waveforms and Jitter Data Selection Based on Beam Codes
Routines for Setup Fortran routines to calculate No-Load Energies and Measure Klystron Timing
PIOP Data Critical Parameters of Stations Quickly Available Values, Expected Valued Tolerances Trip Limits Fault Status Available The summary is shown, many pages of the full piop data is also available
Some of the Maintenance Features Local control of station Control of timing Control of amplitude Eliminates Remote operation of station power level Automatically e-mails Reports weekly Analysis of Reference system Fault analysis Automatically e-mails Reports daily Klystron parameters
Saturation Fast Time Plot Accept saturated value as attenuator set point
High power RF Processing Algorithms Normal and Slow start up modes Auto fault recovery (Vacuum and RE) Off for predetermined number of pulses on fault Shut off after preset number of faults
Fault Error Counting Counts faults every day Can count faults from set time onward or from 8:00am
History Buffers History of Jitter Last 24 hours with press of a button
History Buffer Correlations Variety of ways to display data
Correlation Plots Set up plot to collect data from SCP variables Primary and Secondary step variables Set up displays Output to Matlab or Binary files Save/Restore Button files Record functions of variables Powerful tool for diagnosing problems
Beam Synchronous Acquisition Collects buffered sequential synchronous data Up to 330 variables at a time Up to 2048 samples? Export to Matlab Save Button Files Can display in many formats Sequential B vs. A correlation FFTs
Diagnostic Panels 1 25 Years of Software Development Many diagnostic panels Can read and write to low level hardware
Diagnostic Panels 2 Routines to measure sensitivity of phase shifters Routines to enter polynomials for phase shifters into database
CW Phase Monitors Monitor of Phase Reference System Bring up last 24 hour history with the press of a button Routines to calibrate phase shifters
This presentation was only a small portion of the features the SLC control system has built in.