Indentured Servants
Indentured Servants Think-Pair-Share Think: Why would you think that two colonies from Europe may have conflicts with one another in the New World? Pair: Share your thoughts with your shoulder partner. Share: Share your ideas with the class.
Do Now: Notice/Wonder What you notice about this photo. What do you wonder?
Essential Question What happens when cultures collide?
EQ: How does belief influence action? Please open your Colonies packet and turn to the page titled “Indentured Servitude”.”
EQ: How does belief influence action?
Indentured Servitude
If you were considering becoming an indentured servant, what hopes and fears would you have for your life? Hopes and Fears You must have 2 described hopes and 2 described fears.
Hopes Fears
Reflective Writing On the sheet of paper, answer the following question. If you were poor, would you sell yourself into indentured servitude for a chance to start a new life in an English colony? Explain WITH details!
Triangle Trade Look at the Focus Question on page 20 Read about “The Triangle Trade” on page 20
Triangle Trade
Triangle Trade Turn to page 21 in your lesson packet. During the video, you should write a minimum of 3 facts about the “Triangle Trade”. Share 2 facts with anyone in the classroom.
Assignment Turn to page #22 in your lesson packet. You are going to answer the Focus Question for a Reflective Writing grade. Use page 22 as your rough draft. Your final draft will be on composition paper provided by Mr. Fisher. You will be graded on this assignment using the rubric provided by Mr. Fisher.