Collider Phenomenology of SUSY Cosmic Connections & Jin Min Yang Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS IHEP 2006.12.14
目 录 1、Introduction to SUSY 2、Fine-tuning & SUSY 3、GUT & SUSY 4、Dark Matter & SUSY 5、 SUSY at Colliders 6、Conclusion
1、Introduction 1.1 What is SUSY ? Why SUSY ? SUSY |B |F
History: At end of 60‘s: SUSY proposed from math logic At beginning of 70’s: physics model Has been hot for 30 years; 30000 papers Why ? SUSY SUSY SUSY
Fine Tuning Dark Matter GUT SUSY Inflation Electroweak Baryogenesis Affleck-Dine Baryogenesis
SUSY is physics? How heavy ? Accessible at LHC? ??? SUSY
1.2 SUSY Models R-parity R-parity
SUSY breaking mechanisms
Fine-tuning GUT Dark Matter TeV-Scale SUSY Split-SUSY all sparticles < TeV TeV-Scale SUSY 1 < 130 GeV 5 Higgs bosons 4 < TeV Fine-tuning GUT Dark Matter Gauginos/Higgsinos < TeV sparticles Others:superheavy Split-SUSY 1 < 150 GeV Higgs Bosons 4 :superheavy
2. Fine-tuning & SUSY 1019 GeV 1015 GeV GUT Fine-tuning 1 TeV SM break 100 GeV Weak Scale
Bare 100 GeV 2
In SUSY: 2 cancel remain How heavy ? Depends on
More about Higgs mass: EW baryogenesis:
3. GUT & SUSY not sensitive to sfermions light gauginos/higgsino (??) SM
GUT sfermions gauginos/higgsino Maybe unaccessible at LHC Light ! Not necessarily so light for LHC
4. Dark Matter & SUSY
Dark Matter Mass: weak-scale Interaction: weak-scale WIMP
Which one is LSP dark matter ?
LSP (Dark Matter)
Dark Matter sfermions gauginos/higgsino Maybe heavy Maybe unaccessible at LHC Dark Matter sfermions gauginos/higgsino Light ! Most likely accessible at LHC
5、SUSY Search at Colliders LEP (I, II) Tevatron I closed Tevatron II on-going LHC up-coming ILC imagining
LEP (I, II) SUSY Tevatron (I,II)
tan > 2 LEP mh , mA ,mH > 95 GeV 103.5 GeV < chargino 47 GeV < neutralino Selectron > 100 GeV Smuon > 97 GeV 100 GeV < squark Stau > 93 GeV 100 GeV < stop 100 GeV < sbottom
Tevatron stop -> b l snu stop -> c chi stop -> c chi
Future Colliders International Linear Collider (ILC)
Find a needle in a haystack! LHC ILC Find a needle in a haystack! 1/10 billions
LHC: discover ILC: precison test
LHC: SUSY Typical Signature
b-jet b ET b b-jet ET
squarks sfermions sleptons Sparticles gauginos gluino Higgsinos What SUSY partilces can be found at LHC? h, H (CP-even) Higgs Bosons A (CP-odd) H squarks sfermions sleptons Sparticles gauginos Higgsinos gluino charginos neutralinos
LHC only see LEP II excluded Depends on good detection capabilities for b’s and tau’s only see Gold -plated signal LEP II excluded
LHC Dark Matter Constraint
? MSSM sfermion sparticle gaugino higgsino Split SUSY h, H Higgs A, H many all at least h sfermion several sparticle h, H Higgs gaugino higgsino A, H ? maybe no only h Split SUSY
Split-SUSY + pp - 1 1 e+e- + - 1 1
LHC Higgs bosons sparticles SM weak-scale SUSY ?? ?? h H, A, H sfermions gaugino/Higgsino SM weak-scale SUSY ?? ?? Split-SUSY
weak-scale SUSY LHC ILC discover Predict dark matter Precision test Predict dark matter ILC
6、Conclusion E. Witten 2002, Beijing