Cell Surface/Intercell Communication systems Elijah Friesen Phd in All of the Universe (and beyond) Good Decision Maker Emilee Brandt Triple Phd in cells Life Coach
Cell Movement To transport materials, acquire resources, and navigate through an environment. Cilia and flagella Cells need to move in order to transport materials and acquire resources This is accomplished by cilia and flagella These structures also aid cells in navigating throughout their environment
Flagella Drives locomotion by propelling and swiveling. Can be in multiples. Different types. Tail like appendages Drives locomotion by making a propeller like or swivel motion Cells can have one or multiple that all work in tandem There are many different kinds but are all similar in function
Cilia Used for senses and locomotion Moves the cell with “paddles” Moves materials outside of the cell Can be coupled with flagella Used for senses and locomotion Move like paddles to propel cell They also move materials around the outside of the cell Can also be coupled with flagella
Cell Communication To transport materials, acquire resources, and navigate through an environment. Walls, Extracellular Matrix
Cell Wall Limits what goes in and out of cell Maintains a constant internal pressure Support inside structures Protects cell and helps limit what goes in and out Usually found in plant cells Help cell maintain a constant internal pressure as well as support inside structures
Extracellular Matrix (ECM) Physical scaffolding that support all cells Is in every organ and tissue Helps maintain homeostasis Allows for chemical reactions Physical scaffolding that support all cells Is in every organ and tissue Helps maintain homeostasis Allows for chemical reactions to happen that can not occur within the cells themselves
Plasmodesmata Allows cells to transport resources Found in cells with cell walls Composed of tubes run from cell wall to cell wall Allow cells to transport resources and communicate Usually only found in cells with cell walls Composed of tubes run from cell wall to cell wall
Intercellular Junctions Extends from cell membrane to cell membrane/cell walls More often found in animals Enables communication and materials to transport Extend from cell membrane to cell membrane (Through cell walls if need be) More often found in animals Enable communication and material transport
Connect cytoskeletons of neighboring cells physically Adherens Junctions Connect cytoskeletons of neighboring cells physically Allow materials to go between cells without disrupting functions Connect cytoskeletons of neighboring cells - physically link them Cross extracellular matrix Allow things to go between cells without disrupting their function
Conclusion A car with no wheels. A house with no walls. A tunnel with no opening. A room with no doors.
Works Cited The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. (2016, March 01). Flagellum. Retrieved December 06, 2017, from https://www.britannica.com/science/flagellum Harris, T. (n.d.). Retrieved December 06, 2017, from http://www.ciliopathyalliance.org/cilia/structure-and-function-of-cilia.html Frantz, C., Stewart, K. M., & Weaver, V. M. (2010, December 15). The extracellular matrix at a glance. Retrieved December 06, 2017, from http://jcs.biologists.org/content/123/24/4195 Bailey, R. (n.d.). Cell Wall Structure and Function. Retrieved December 06, 2017, from https://www.thoughtco.com/cell-wall-373613