Source :August Miller, Deseret Morning News GIS TOOL BAR FOR IDENTIFICATION OF PROPERTIES CLOSE TO CANALS WITH POSSIBLE FLOOD PROBLEM by J.J. Escurra Source :August Miller, Deseret Morning News Placing sandbags Thursday in an effort to stop the flooding of homes from Box Elder Creek in Brigham City.
Objectives Creation of a function that helps with canal’s inventory. Creation of function that calculates the maximum flow rate permissible in a canal. Creation of a function that calculates the surface run off flow. Creation of a function that identify the possible flood problems in a canal.
Methodology All the code was written in VBA Input information. a) Canal shapefile b) 8 Flow Direction c) Properties with owners 6 steps. Used equations. Surface Runoff Area using D 8 flow direction and modified David Tarboton code . Inventory of Canal from Diagnostic Walk Thru For a selected section Calculation of Runoff Flow using Rational Equation Calculation of Maximum Flow rate using Manning Equation Difference of Runoff and Maximum Flow rate and giving values of 0 and 1 for positives and negatives values.
Results To test the model data from Northern Logan Canal was used, the canal was GPSed only 5 kilometers from the total 24 kilometers of length
Calculation of the Surface Runoff Area
Calculation of the Surface Runoff Area gridshape([results])
Selection of Section
Filling in Data mr ml Total depth Canal width Free bord
Calculation of Runoff Flow
Observation of the Picture
Difference between Maximum Canal and Run off Flow