2 Cloud Computing Transforms the way IT is consumed and managed, bringing costs down Service delivery (NIST 2011) SaaS (Software) PaaS (Platform) IaaS (Infrastructure) “If you have an application exposed to the Internet that will allow people to make money, it will be probed.” - Dave Cullinane, Former CISO, eBay.
Security issues in clouds 3 Security issues in clouds Cloud Security Alliance Data breach Data loss Malicious insiders Shared technology vulnerabilities … NIST Audit and compliance (e.g. cross border) Response to a breach
Data breach Some example attacks from academic Crypto literature 4 Data breach Some example attacks from academic Crypto literature Some example attacks from academic Crypto literature
5 Overall Picture
Cryptographic solutions: a glimpse 6 Cryptographic solutions: a glimpse Password security Attribute based encryption Fully homomorphic encryption Searchable encryption Format preserving encryption Functional encryption …
7 Password Security (Age-old) Password security problem
Searchable encryption 8 Searchable encryption Secure search over encrypted data Adaptive/Non-adaptive multi/single user, variable/constant # rounds …
Fully homomorphic encryption 9 Fully homomorphic encryption Enc(m1) * Enc(m2) = Enc(m1*m2) Enc(m1) + Enc(m2) = Enc(m1+m2) Extremely powerful primitive Allows working on encrypted data without revealing the plain data
Format Preserving Encryption 1010 Format Preserving Encryption Picture source: Voltage.com
Attribute based encryption 1111 Attribute based encryption Encryption based on policies Decryption can be done when some specific attributes are satisfied sales OR IT dept. manager marketing hire date < 2002 2 of 3 AND exec. level >= 5 Figure source: Brent Waters’ slides
Thank you somitra@iiitd.ac.in 1212 Thank you For more information, please contact Dr. Somitra Sanadhya somitra@iiitd.ac.in Cryptology Research Group, IIIT Delhi http://crypto.iiitd.edu.in/