Explore variables metadata (18 slides) Click “Browse and Select Data”: to view integrated metadata and to get microdata (make an “extract”) Note: the data are “pooled” into a single file–select as many countries & years as you wish. Press <spacebar> to continue tutorial
Variables metadata: 7 topics (18 slides) Explore metadata: variables Lists of variables Integrated variables Unharmonized variables Characteristics (click any variable mnemonic) Description Comparability discussions: general & detailed Universe (to whom is the variable addressed) Codes Availability
Integrated Metadata: Variables Menu First, click here, to select samples (the default is “all samples in the database”) Tip: Do not start here unless you wish to see variables for all samples (takes time to construct and download).
Integrated Metadata: Variables Check one or more boxes to select samples First, check boxes to select samples. Then, click “submit sample selections”. If not, choices are not selected.
Integrated Metadata: Variables Menu Second, click “Options”, to set preferences for navigating metadata Only start here if you want to see all samples at once (takes time to construct and download).
Integrated Metadata: List Variables Click “Household”, “Person” or “A-Z” Click “show all groups together” to see all variables at once Click “Apply selections” to continue
Integrated Variable list for selected samples: Click to select Integrated Variable list for selected samples: Click to select. Scroll down to see more. Check any box to to select variable for extract
Integrated Variable list for selected samples: Note technical and constructed variables Family interrelationship (“Pointer”) variables locate co-residing mother, father and spouse --an IPUMS “value-added”
Integrated Variable list for selected samples: Fertility, mortality, nativity, birthplace, etc. Fertility and mortality variables Nativity and Birthplace variables
Integrated Variable list for selected samples: Fertility, mortality, nativity, birthplace, etc. Education variables Work variables Migration variables
Integrated Metadata: Unharmonized variables For experienced users only: Toggle here, to select unharmonized variables. Note: each unharmonized variable is specific to only 1 sample (yes, even age and sex). Unharmonized variables are useful to understand how the coding of an integrated variable is constructed.
Integrated Metadata: Unharmonized variables Unharmonized variables are coded ~same as the original source microdata (with minor exceptions).
Variable descriptions: Toggle “integrated variables” and view details of any variable To toggle to integrated variables Click here, and pause for a second for the screen to refresh.
Click a variable name for description, codes, availability, universe, comparability, unharmonized variables and other metadata Click here, to view metadata for CLASSWK.
Integrated metadata for CLASSWK: description, comparability, universe, codes, availability, questionnaire text, etc. Click any tab to view detailed metadata
CLASSWK: description, comparability discussion general and detailed Study the metadata to understand definitions, similarities and differences for each variable, country and sample.
Click “codes” to view codes, labels and case counts (sample frequencies) for each varible Click “codes” to see codes and case counts (frequencies)
CLASSWK general “codes” availability Click here, to toggle between general and detailed views
CLASSWK detailed “codes” availability Note distinction in Thailand beginning in 1990 between white/blue collar/ public worker. IPUMS rule: “integrate” not standardize.
CLASSWK detailed “codes” case count view Note: case counts are not weighted Click “View cart” to continue
This tutorial focused on 7 IPUMS metadata topics: Explore metadata: variables Lists of variables Integrated variables Unharmonized variables Characteristics Description Comparability discussions: general & detailed Universe (to whom the variable applies) Codes Availability Source documents Want more? View tutorial on “sources”